Film series focuses on psychology

Posted in EN
By Taylor Fussman Published 3 hours ago Updated 3 hours ago Grand Valley State University's psychology department aims to expand the minds of students with Projection, a psychology film series.When Brian Bowdle, a professor of psychology at GVSU, arrived to the university in 2005, he fell in love with the university immediately, but wanted to see more cultural and artistic events being offered to students on campus, so he decided he wanted to start a film series on campus.Inspired >>>

Lateinamerika bekämpft Zika-Virus gemeinsam

Posted in DE
Lateinamerika bekämpft Zika-Virus gemeinsam Die Länder Lateinamerikas stimmen Anti-Zika-Aktion künftig ab. Der US-Staat Florida ruft in vier Bezirken den Notstand aus. 1/6 Vater Alipio Martin hält seine kleine Tochter Ana Beatriz, die mit der durch das Zika-Virus verursachten Krankheit Mikroenzephalie geboren wurde. (Recife, Brasilien am 29. Januar 2016)Bild: Percio Campos/Keystone Lateinamerika will den Ausbruch des Zika-Virus koordiniert >>>

Using the Magic Words: JNET bloggers pleased to share work

Posted in EN
Writing is a noisy craft. It’s not that ink gurgles when emptied on paper. Sweeping a ballpoint over a spiral, or cleaning up thoughts in a word processor, makes noticeably less volume than anything in Hoover’s catalogue. TAMUK Psychology major Jaime Chapa, a senior, is a student blogger for JNET.Yet, for a group of students at Texas AM University-Kingsville, scribbling on the side is a way to drop notes onto campus with every post. As Jaime Chapa, a senior psychology major, notes, “My writing could always use more work and being able to hear feedback from people…would be a >>>

UC Riverside Psychology Professor Recruiting for New Study

Posted in EN
UC Riverside Psychology Professor Recruiting for New Study Megan Robbins working on new study analyzing the relationships of same-sex couples By Mojgan Sherkat on February 3, 2016 Share this article: Megan Robbins RIVERSIDE, Calif. ( – Megan Robbins, assistant professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, is looking to recruit 150 same- and opposite-sex married (or marriage-like) couples for a new study that will look at how couples interact in their daily lives. “I became interested in how lesbian and gay couples communicate >>>

Students protest ‘insufficient’ test time

Posted in EN
Second year students of the Department of Psychology of the Benue State University (BSU),  Makurdi, have protested against what they called the insufficient time allocated for a test. JOSHUA OBELLE (300-Level Mass Communication) reports. •HOD: they’re unruly Psychology students of the Benue State University (BSU) in Makurdi, last Saturday, complained about what they called their lecturers’ penchant for allocating “insufficient time” for continuous assessment quiz. Their complaint followed a PSY 205 test organised for 200-Level students. The students moved round the campus, protesting >>>

Weniger physische, mehr psychische Gewalt

Posted in DE
Wissenschaftler der Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal und der Universität Potsdam untersuchten in einer aktuellen Studie das Thema „Mobbing in der Schule“. Antipathien und Aggressionen unter Schülern gab es schon immer – und meist werden sie hinter dem Rücken der Lehrer ausgetragen. Welche Kompetenzen brauchen Lehrkräfte, um Gewalt und Mobbing zu erkennen? Wie reagieren sie in Mobbing-Situationen? Und welche Wirkung erzielen sie mit ihren Interventionen? Antworten auf diese Fragen suchte ein Team von Psychologen der Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal >>>

Διακόπηκαν οι ειρηνευτικές συνομιλίες για το συριακό στη Γενεύη

Posted in GR
Κυριότερες Ειδήσεις Σόιμπλε: Πρόταση Grexit από το 2011 - Δύσκολα τα πράγματα χωρίς την υποτίμηση νομίσματοςΘα είχε πονέσει μια φορά, σχολιάζει ο Γερμανός υπουργός ΟικονομικώνΕμπιστευτική έκθεση Gasim στο Spiegel: Παταγώδης αποτυχία της ελληνικής κυβέρνησης στο προσφυγικόΕμπιστευτική έκθεση της γερμανικής υπηρεσίας αναλύσεων Gasim - στην >>>

Unioni Civili: pediatri, su adozioni considerare la psicologia dei …

Posted in IT
E mentre, secondo i pediatri, vivere in una famiglia senza la figura materna o paterna potrebbe danneggiare il bambino, stando agli psichiatri non conta il sesso dei genitori, ma il loro affetto."Non si può escludere che convivere con due genitori dello stesso sesso abbia ricadute negativesui processi di sviluppo psichico e relazionale nell'età evolutiva". Sono in aumento i casi di emergenze respiratorie tra i bambini: almeno "più 25 per cento di accessi" ai pronto soccorso pediatrici, come segnala il presidente della Società italiana di pediatria (Sip), Giovanni Corsello."Non possono essere >>>