Üsküdar Üniversitesi’nden Bakü’de İki Panel

Posted in TR
Türkiye'nin davranış bilimleri alanında ilk tematik üniversitesi olan Üsküdar Üniversitesi, Azerbaycan'ın başkenti Bakü'de bulunan Hazar Üniversitesi'nde 5 Şubat 2016 Cuma günü düzenlenecek iki ayrı panele katılacak. Üsküdar Üniversitesi İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi Psikoloji Bölümü öğretim üyesi Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Ünübol ve Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPİSTANBUL Hastanesi'nden Uzman Klinik Psikolog Nazende Ceren Öksüz, ilk olarak saat 11.00'de düzenlenecek "Kriz Döneminde Çalışanların ve Yöneticilerin Moral ve Motivasyonu" başlıklı >>>

Üsküdar Üniversitesi’nden Bakü’de İki Panel

Posted in TR
Türkiye'nin davranış bilimleri alanında ilk tematik üniversitesi olan Üsküdar Üniversitesi, Azerbaycan'ın başkenti Bakü'de bulunan Hazar Üniversitesi'nde 5 Şubat 2016 Cuma günü düzenlenecek iki ayrı panele katılacak. Üsküdar Üniversitesi İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi Psikoloji Bölümü öğretim üyesi Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Ünübol ve Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPİSTANBUL Hastanesi'nden Uzman Klinik Psikolog Nazende Ceren Öksüz, ilk olarak saat 11.00'de düzenlenecek "Kriz Döneminde Çalışanların ve Yöneticilerin Moral ve Motivasyonu" başlıklı >>>

Study illustrates link between average faces, attractiveness

Posted in EN
Students who want to be perceived as smarter, kinder and healthier don’t need to work harder — they just need to be average.      The Langlois Lab in the Department of Psychology at UT-Austin conducts research challenging common definitions of beauty and seeks to understand the greater implications of the averageness theory of facial attractiveness. This theory suggests that the more a face resembles mathematically average facial configurations, the more attractive it seems. As a face starts to deviate from the average, people consider it less attractive.  Scientists create these average >>>

Study illustrates link between average faces, attractiveness

Posted in EN
Students who want to be perceived as smarter, kinder and healthier don’t need to work harder — they just need to be average.      The Langlois Lab in the Department of Psychology at UT-Austin conducts research challenging common definitions of beauty and seeks to understand the greater implications of the averageness theory of facial attractiveness. This theory suggests that the more a face resembles mathematically average facial configurations, the more attractive it seems. As a face starts to deviate from the average, people consider it less attractive.  Scientists create these average >>>

Πεκίνο προς Αθήνα: Τελειώνετε με τον Πειραιά

Posted in GR
Την έγκριση το συντομότερο δυνατόν της εξαγοράς του ΟΛΠ από την Cosco ζητά από την ελληνική κυβέρνηση το Πεκίνο. Ο πρέσβης της Λαοκρατικής Δημοκρατίας της Κίνας στην Ελλάδα Zou Xiaoli, μιλώντας ενώπιων του υπουργού ναυτιλίας Θ. Δρίτσα και του αντιπροέδρου της Βουλής Αν. Στ. Κουράκη, τόνισε πως «η κινεζική πλευρά ευελπιστεί ότι τα σχετικά >>>

Επιδείνωση του καιρού με βροχές, καταιγίδες, χιόνια και πτώση …

Posted in GR
Βροχές και καταιγίδες σε όλη την χώρα, χιόνια στα βόρεια ορεινά, άνεμοι μέχρι και 8 μποφόρ και πτώση της θερμοκρασίας προβλέπονται για την Πέμπτη. Τα φαινόμενα θα επεκταθούν αρχικά στα βόρεια και το ανατολικό Αιγαίο και το βράδυ στις υπόλοιπες περιοχές. Μακεδονία, Θράκη Καιρός: στη δυτική Μακεδονία νεφώσεις που βαθμιαία θα αυξηθούν >>>

Three-day psychology expo from today

Posted in EN
TNN | Feb 4, 2016, 09.52 AM IST CommentsRefrain from posting comments that are obscene, defamatory or inflammatory, and do not indulge in personal attacks, name calling or inciting hatred against any community. Help us delete comments that do not follow these guidelines by marking them offensive. Let's work together to keep the conversation civil.X {{if user.username || user.id}} {{:user.name}} {{else}} {{:user.name}} {{/if}} {{if user.points}} >>>

Psychologist gives student-athletes a new perspective

Posted in EN
Nationally recognized sport psychologist Dr. Joel Fish spoke to Emerson student-athletes, coaches, and administrators last week about the mental difficulties of competition and how to succeed under pressure.  The Emerson College Athletic Trust Fund sponsored the hourlong seminar at the Semel Theater. Fish gave advice to players on overcoming their in-game fears using activities, and referenced professionals with whom he had worked.  Fish, the director of The Center For Sport Psychology in Philadelphia, introduced his presentation by naming the five mental skills of competition: confidence, >>>

Φύσσας και Βόκολος παρελθόν για τον Παναθηναϊκό

Posted in GR
Ο Τάκης Φύσσας και ο Λεωνίδας Βόκολος, αποτελούν παρελθόν για τον Παναθηναϊκό. Όπως ανακοίνωσε και επίσημα η «πράσινη» ΠΑΕ, ήρθαν σε συμφωνία για την λύση της συνεργασίας τους με το «τριφύλλι» κοινή συναινέσει. Αναλυτικά η ανακοίνωση: «Η Π.Α.Ε. Παναθηναϊκός ανακοινώνει την κοινή συναινέσει λύση της συνεργασίας της με τον Τάκη Φύσσα >>>