Armstrong to Host Robert I. Strozier Faculty Lecture

Posted in EN
On Friday, February 19, 2016, Noon, at Armstrong State University Ogeechee Theatre, the lecture “Acceptance and Appreciation-Based Interventions for Reducing Body Dissatisfaction: Challenging our Thinking about Thinking.” will be led by Dr. Wendy Wolfe, associate professor of psychology. Her talk will incorporate ideas from recent advances in cognitive-behavioral interventions and their use in reducing body dissatisfaction, with a specific focus on research conducted with female Armstrong students. Wolfe earned a Ph.D. and M.S. in Clinical Psychology from Syracuse University and a B.A. >>>

Unioni Civili: pediatri, su adozioni considerare la psicologia dei …

Posted in IT
 "Non si può escludere che convivere con due genitori dello stesso sesso abbia ricadute negativesui processi di sviluppo psichico e relazionale nell'età evolutiva". È quanto afferma il presidente  della Società Italiana di Pediatria, Giovanni Corsello, intervenendo sulla questione della Stepchild adoption, ovvero l’adozione del bambini da parte del partener omosessuale, contenuta nell’articolo 5 del disegno di legge sulle unioni civili. “Il dibattito di queste settimane si è mantenuto su una sfera prevalentemente politica – osserva il presidente della Società >>>

Psychologie scientifique VS psychologie mythique par Vauclair et …

Posted in FR
La psychologie est une discipline jeune ("dont l'histoire est courte") mais qui a toujours peiné à s'extirper de son ancienne coloration philosophique. Peut-être est-ce lié à son pouvoir de fascination auprès du grand public, au prix d’accommodements plus ou moins raisonnables avec les "faits".En ce début 2016, à l'heure où le monde semble singulièrement manquer de raison, deux psychologues de renom, Jacques Vauclair et Kotaro Suzuki publient un ouvrage qui dégonfle certains des mythes les plus tenaces de la psychologie (1) : Un enfant peut-il être élevé par une louve ? >>>

Merger between a&dc and BBP gives HR access to world class talent management strategies

Posted in EN
Assessment and Development Consultants (adc), leaders in behavioural assessment and development, and Burnham Business Psychology (BBP), experts in occupational psychology, are merging to combine their respective strengths and consequently offer cutting-edge assessment processes. Boasting a new offering of one of the world’s widest ranges of behavioural assessment processes, the newly formed alliance will help its clients maintain their competitive edge through industry leading recruitment strategy and talent metrics. On top of revising candidate selection methods, their new offering >>>

Best & Worst in Psychology & Psychiatry – December 2015

Posted in EN
For every month of the year, we scour through 1000s of published studies and list some of the hottest positive findings and negative findings in psychology and psychiatry research. This month, no main theme emerged, however the good and the bad relating to four main subjects were repeated throughout the top 10 – empathy and compassion, anxiety, stereotyping and racism, and addiction. BEST: Protecting a Few Students from Negative Stereotypes Benefits Entire Classroom Findings, >>>

Perché le donne non si ribellano alla violenza

Posted in IT
Roma, 3 feb. (AdnKronos Salute) - Alcune denunciano invano le aggressioni, altre tacciono per anni. Perché le donne non si ribellano a mariti, compagni o fidanzati aggressivi, verbalmente o fisicamente? "Sono molteplici le motivazioni della mancata ribellione della donna. Senso di colpa, timore dell’abbandono e mancanza di sostegno esterno sono le motivazioni principali. Molto spesso gli aggressori riescono a rimandare la responsabilità della violenza sulla donna che ne è vittima: se tu fossi più complice, se tu non fossi sempre >>>

Εθνικός διάλογος των εντυπώσεων

Posted in GR
Εθνικός διάλογος με πυροτεχνήματα, αλλά για την... ταμπακιέρα παρελκυστική πολιτική. Ασφαλείς πληροφορίες της «Κ» αναφέρουν ότι το υπουργείο Παιδείας δεν έχει προχωρήσει στη συγκρότηση της κρίσιμης Επιτροπής Εμπειρογνωμόνων με τη συμμετοχή εκπροσώπων του ΟΟΣΑ, η οποία θα κληθεί να αντιμετωπίσει ζητήματα υψηλού πολιτικού κόστους, >>>

Psychologen ontzet over anti-islamhouding in VS

Posted in NL
Vrijwilliger tijdens de kerst De psychologen deden meerdere studies, maanden voor de start van de voorverkiezingen voor het Amerikaanse presidentschap, waarin vaak controversiële standpunten over moslims worden ingenomen.In een van de studies kregen proefpersonen drie nieuwsverhalen te zien. In het eerste verhaal werden moslims positief beschreven, in het tweede neutraal en in het derde negatief. De proefpersonen moesten nadien aangeven wat ze dachten van militaire of politieke acties tegen moslims.Het positieve verhaal ging over moslims die vrijwilligerswerk deden tijdens de >>>