SUSLA – LSUS sign agreement

A joint agreement that will make it easier for Psychology students at Southern University at Shreveport (SUSLA) to complete a bachelor’s degree at LSU Shreveport was formalized during a ceremony Monday, Dec. 14 at SUSLA.  


The two campuses completed an alliance agreement during a 9:30 a.m. signing ceremony in the Southern University Library located on the MLK Campus. SUSLA’S Interim Chancellor S. Albert Gilliam and LSUS Chancellor Larry Clark were joined by other officials from both schools for the event.


The agreement establishes the articulation for students who successfully complete SUSLA’s Psychology program. SUSLA students who meet the criteria announced Monday will be able to transfer to LSUS and matriculate in the Bachelor of Science in Psychology.


“As always, we are pleased to partner with LSUS to provide additional quality educational opportunities for our students to make lasting impacts in our community and abroad,” said Chancellor Gilliam. “This program will allow our students to build on the foundation made at SUSLA.”


Chancellor Clark said, “This agreement ensures that students can begin their studies at SUSLA and feel confident that the credits they earn there will transfer seamlessly and be counted toward a four-year degree at LSUS should they decide to pursue further education. We are pleased to enter into this joint agreement with our partners at SUSLA for the benefit of students. We look forward to their presence in our classrooms.”


As a part of the agreement, SUSLA agrees to inform their graduates about the opportunity to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree from LSUS and to allow LSUS representatives to actively recruit students into the Psychology program when they complete their degrees at SUSLA.


In addition, LSUS agrees to work closely with SUSLA graduates to schedule courses at times enabling them to matriculate and maintain gainful employment, to accept 60 credit hours of coursework toward the Bachelor of Science in Psychology, and to develop processes that are in the best interest of the student.


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