Relationships: evaluating the return on your investment

Alexa Phillips

An article from Psychology Central  discusses what it means to get a “return on your investment” in terms of a relationship. It takes a critical look on how couples can evaluate their relationship in terms of what they are putting in and getting out of it.

Photo: Google Images

Photo: Google Images

While most of us start with the question of “What’s in it for me?” try considering “What are you returning others on their investment (of time, love, energy, money, prayers) in you?” We often get into relationships, seeking the following: love, trust, attention, intimacy, respect, kindness, time, communication, gratitude, assistance, friendship, companionship and respect.

The article also gave a handful of questions for couples to explore. Here are a few examples:


  • What is it like to live with you?
  • What is it like to work with you?
  • What is it like to live next door to you?

The whole article is found here.

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