Psychology of success

When the fad around ‘The Secret’ caught on, the catchphrase on most lips was attracting what we wanted, asking the universe to fulfill our desires and on and on. The other half of the populace dismissed our going-ons as abstract, unquantifiable and wishy washy.

Have you ever come up with a great idea; even did the due diligence but when the time came to execute you just found yourself frozen in inaction?

This happens to even the best of us and as much as this might surprise you, sometimes we are afraid of success more than of failure.


Scientists state that approximately three per cent of our processing power is in the conscious mind, while 97 per cent is the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind oversees automatic, autonomic actions as well as being the portal for our fears, inherent values and beliefs. When there is a clash between our conscious goals (3 per cent) and our subconscious fears (97 per cent), then we face an inability to execute.

Confidence and presence

For example, say you come up with an amazing idea for a business, maybe because you crave more freedom, being in control of your time, spending more time with your family.

At the very back of your mind, you know that you are capable of being successful but are afraid that this success will be so profound that you will lose the freedom you set out to achieve.

When you are able to identify your fears, those that emanate from your gut, then you can redefine what success really means for you.

Subconscious mapping

Here is the great thing about the famous ‘Laws of Attraction’ concept. When you constantly visualise and speak about what success means and looks like for you, you are more likely to not only do something about it, but to find like-minded people. Speaking out loud about a dream is your way of holding yourself to account.

If your big dream is kicking off a social project, speak about it to as many people as you can and you will likely find someone in your networks with the contacts that you need.

Every time you speak about it, you will also refine the idea and make it more and more workable until you have a solid concept you can execute.


• Any time you find yourself holding back from doing something big, tap into your subconscious to identify what the real fear is.

• Speak about your dreams and goals, this will create a way to hold yourself accountable.


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