Psychological Science Symposium showcases student work in research

Students in the Psychological Studies department will be presenting their research at the Spring 2013 Psychological Science Research Symposium on May 17. The event will take place in Torrey Atrium in Beck Academic Hall from 2:45 to 4:45 pm.

These students conducted research projects outside of class or in a Statistics and Research Methods II or Advanced Topics class where they worked in groups to develop their studies.

The students have put in a lot of time and effort to prepare for this event. To create their projects, these individuals have examined literature review, written papers, conducted experiments, analyzed results, and created their posters.

“This event is incredibly important because it gives students an opportunity to show off the research that they have been working on within the Psychology department. Students work incredibly hard on these projects and are excited to share results that they have found,” Senior Psychological Science Honors Major Amanda Feeks said.

The topics vary each year, and during the symposium students and faculty are able to ask questions about the projects.

“The research symposium allows students to share the results of their research with the Gustavus community,” Senior Psychlogical Science Honors Major Joseph Wachutka said.

The Senior Psychological Science Honors students that will present posters and speak about their findings are Amanda Feeks, Emily Lindberg, Kathryn Ofstad, Emmalyn Ennis, Andrea Morgan, Kristen Montijo, Caroline Hendrickson, Katelyn Warburton, and Joseph Wachutka. Their presentations will take place in Beck Academic Hall at 2:45.

“The symposium gives us the wonderful opportunity to share our hard work with the rest of the Gustavus community and have intellectual conversations with both our peers and professors about the topics we’ve worked so passionately on.  Senior Psychological Science Major Chloe Strand said.

Methods students, research apprentices, and students conducting directed research projects will also be presenting posters of their studies in Torrey Atrium from 4:00-4:45 p.m.

Everyone is encouraged to attend the event and support the students.

“This symposium occurs annually and each project is unique. It is a fun and energetic atmosphere with all the students and faculty in one place at the same time, but it is also very intellectual and interesting,” Feeks said.



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