Jobdescription des Herrn Lamatsch – PokerFirma

Posted in DE
Ich bin Chef. Ausgebildet in Schauspiel, Rhetorik, Pädagogik, Psychologie, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Computerwissenschaften, Schienenbau und Suaheli. Es ist kein Problem für mich, für Sie sieben Nichtrauchertische zur Barseite, mit jeweils drei gepolsterten Hochlehnstühlen, zwei fließend deutsch, kroatisch und indisch sprechenden Dealern zur Verfügung zu stellen. Es ist offensichtlich für mich, wenn Sie einen Wunsch für Freitag haben, dass Sie eigentlich Samstag meinen. Oder Montag. Ich bin Mädchen für alles. Für total alles. Ja, ich lüge, wenn ich sage, wir hätten keinen Tisch mehr >>>

Two recognized for contributions in psychology

Posted in EN
Two assistant professors in the IU Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences have received recognition from the Association for Psychological Science.Franco Pestilli, a computational neuroscientist, and Cara Lewis, a clinical psychologist, were honored by the association regarded as “the premier international organization in its field” of psychological sciences, according to an IU press release, for early career contributions in their respective fields.The Association for Psychological Science recognizes members who make such contributions, according to the release. Pestilli, >>>

After allowing students to sit in exams, BOSE now finds subject combination wrong

Posted in EN
Summary: Aghast, the students are questioning how they were allowed to pass their class 11th examination with the same combination. Nazir Ahmad, a student from Chandoosa Baramulla, said, ?I passed my 11th class examination under Roll No. 313283 with the same combination of subjects. Â? These students are running from pillar to post for the redressal of their problem but despite passing of nine months >>>

The Psychology Behind Being A Super Fan

Posted in EN
SIOUX FALLS, SD - The sports world isn't just a hobby for Kathryn Macziewski. It's her business. Macziewski owns a A League Of Your Own in downtown Sioux Falls. Before the clothing shop, she worked in merchandise for the Minnesota Vikings. "At times it can almost be scary because people are so into their team. I've seen many fights break out verbally and physically when I've attended games," Macziewski said. What creates these so-called super fans? To find out, we asked therapist Karla Harmon. "The number one reason for becoming a fan of a certain team has a lot to do with people's memories," >>>

Jason Dias: Nature vs Nurture vs Neither, Really

Posted in EN
aNewDomain — The fundamental question of psychology, at least according to the first chapter of just about every psychology textbook, is this: Are people who they are more because of their biology (nature) or their family and social circumstances (nurture)? In other words, what’s more influential: nature or nurture. Unfortunately, the nature vs nurture debate is crap. Now, there is a central question in psychology: Is psychology going to be a profession? And, if psychology is to be a profession, who will control it? Nature vs nurture, you see, is a question outside of psychology. It kind >>>

Έρχεται την Τρίτη για να υπογράψει στον Παναθηναϊκό ο Λέτο

Posted in GR
Κυριότερες Ειδήσεις Συζήτηση για το φορολογικό «εδώ και τώρα» θέλουν οι δανειστέςΟ πρωθυπουργός τόνισε ότι επιθυμεί να ολοκληρωθεί το συντομότερο η πρώτη αξιολόγηση, για να ανοίξει η συζήτηση για το χρέος, ωστόσο κύκλοι των...Μαξίμου: Ο Τσίπρας μίλησε με τον Τούρκο καναλάρχη, τι τού είπεΟ Ιλιτζαλί είπε στον πρωθυπουργό ότι ενδιαφέρεται >>>

Seasonal Affective Disorder Is ‘Folk Psychology,’ Suggests Study; No Objective Data For Seasonal Depression

Posted in EN
Is major depression with seasonal variation — also known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) — a valid construct? Perhaps not, according to a new study published in the journal Clinical Psychological Science, which builds upon the doubt that's been cast on the SAD theory in recent years. While 2013 research on seasonal variations in depressive symptoms found "little if any association between seasonal change or solar radiation and depression," per the current study, there's also been growing concern with the way SAD research is conducted in general. Study authors said the research >>>

Year could be life-changing

Posted in EN
WE ALL better be ready for 2016... cos here it is. To kick off, I would like to set the intention for this year's wellbeing journey, along with some shameless self-promotion. The intention of the wellbeing journey is to inspire people to get out of their comfort zone, take life by the horns and live a life that is imbued with love, compassion (for self and others), meaning and purpose. I draw heavily from the field of positive psychology, but also from lessons learnt from people that inspire me. I hope to share this year's wellbeing journey >>>

Für rund 18 Millionen

Posted in DE
Für mich ist es einfach weiterhin nur sehr schwierig zu verstehen, dass man auf die ganz offensichtlichen und grundsätzlichen Probleme im offensiven Mittelfeld nicht noch/schon im Sommer (!) reagiert hat ! Und wenn uns gerüchteweise tatsächlich Dennis Praet im Sommer abgesagt hat, dann hätte man eben einen anderen Spieler in der weiten Fußballwelt finden können/müssen, um dieses für mehr oder weniger alle frontal ins Auge springende kreative Offensivvakuum zu füllen. Und DAS war ebe [...] >>>