Discrimination Towards Obese People Exposed by A University Professor


Discrimination Towards Obese People Exposed by A University Professor

PRWEB.COM Newswire

Vienna, VA (PRWEB) June 10, 2013

The most recent tweet by a Professor of Psychology at the University of New Mexico, Geoffrey Miller sparked an outrage across the country when he tweeted an insulting opinion towards obese people. (6/6/13, NHPR) Professor Miller tweeted the following: “Dear applicants: if you did not have the willpower to stop eating carbs, you won't have the willpower to do dissertation #truth.” Apparently, weight discrimination is not new but yet it is an undiscovered part of our society that has grown out of proportion.

The research discovered that overweight discrimination quadrupled within the last ten years equaling to race discrimination. Rebecca Puhl of Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and commented on Geoffrey Miller’s tweet: “Our research with a national sample of thousands of Americans shows that reports of weight discrimination have increased by 66 percent in the past decade, and are now on par with rates of racial discrimination – especially for women." Rebecca Puhl explained that overweight people, apart from the admission challenge to graduate schools, are continuously discriminated across the board.

The pharmaceutical industry developed quick weight loss products to help fight obesity. These products are not equally valuable to everyone. Some may have side effects that can increase the chance of chronic diseases. Instead, most supplements captured a small part of the market to provide healthier and less harmful products to weight loss solution. PhenObestin 27.5 has been on the market for more than 3 years. The company behind it surveys its customers on the effectiveness of PhenObestin 37.5. A recent survey discovered that most of the PhenObestin customers returned for another purchase. This has been an indicator of the PhenObestin 37.5 increased demand and benefit. It is highly recommended to take control over weight in order to avoid social stigma, discrimination, psychologically, and emotionally damaging comments from a member of our society.

PhenObestin 37.5 is available online and by calling the customer service department at 1-800-935-6512. The customer service department is open between 9AM and 5PM. A one-month supply is $64.95 plus shipping and handling.

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/6/prweb10815137.htm

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