The guest speaker at the April meeting of the Dunkirk-Fredonia Branch of the American Association of University Women was Emily Keddie-Olka, a doctorial candidate in the counseling and school psychology program at the University of Buffalo. Keddie-Olka, who recently defended her dissertation, is a graduate of Fredonia High School and SUNY Fredonia.
Currently she is completing an internship at Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo where, after graduation, she will begin a full-time position as a psychologist in the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic. Her dissertation is entitled "Prevention of Anxiety and Eating Disorders in Middle School: A Primary Prevention Program." She received the AAUW Catalyst for Change Scholarship from the AAUW Buffalo Chapter in 2012 for her work in implementing this program with fifth-grade girls.
At the AAUW meeting Keddie-Olka described her work with young girls at the Prevention of Anxiety and Eating Disorders seminar. This program gives girls tools to help them lead a balanced life. Keddi-Olka presented this program at a national conference and has now published a manual entitled "Girls Growing in Wellness and Balance: Yoga and Life Skills to Empower" for use with young girls.
AAUW membership is open to college students as well as anyone holding an associate's or higher degree.
AAUW advocates for equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls. To learn more about AAUW, membership, or to attend a meeting, call Peggy Tiffany at 673-1838.