Women more attracted to altruism than good looks says psychology study

This is what women find most desirable in a man
It’s more important than looks (Picture: Getty Images)

Guys, if you’re killing yourself at the gym right now then don’t worry – there are more important things.

It turns out that being a nice person who helps others out is a much more attractive quality for women than just being buff.

Although… it definitely helps to be both. (Just saying)

A recent study has found that women are most attracted to men who are altruistic – making it an even more valuable quality than looks.

This guy seems nice (Picture: Getty Images)
This guy, ‘VOLUNTEER’, seems nice (Picture: Getty Images)

And when looking for a long-term partner, they would choose a guy who was altruistic but not handsome over a someone who was good looking but not as nice a guy.

Although when it comes to short-term flings, good looking but non-altruistic men ranked slightly higher.

‘These findings make a substantial contribution to our understanding of the role of altruistic behaviour in human mate choice by including the previously unexplored additional variables of physical attractiveness,’ the study, published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology, concluded.

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‘Overall, the results provide further support for the view that altruism acts as an important trait in mate choice, particularly for long-term relationships.’

So, if you’re the type to buy a homeless person dinner or rescue a drowning child then, unsurprisingly, you’re a catch.

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