Why do people join terrorist groups? : World, News – India Today

When we talk about terrorism, a question arises - how can people be terrorists? How can they kill so many innocents? Answers to these fundamental questions, people say, lie in the crooked psychology of the rogue who decides to join terror groups.

But if we take a careful look into the matter, the scenario might appear different - disturbed and detestable psychology, or alienating, diving and isolating society we live in?

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Firstly, everyone concludes that the reason behind terrorism is only religion. Again, most of us associate terrorism with Islam. Why don't we consider the deeds of Hindu extremist groups like Abhinav Bharat or Sri Ram Sena. Also in a country like India, where religious groups are always armed to the teeth, the blame game seems never-ending. But there are more to the question of why do people resort to terrorism?

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If we notice carefully, most of the recruits to terrorist organisations are quintessentially 'young'. Most of them are looking for an identity. The modern alienating society makes people disorientated. They are the people who suffer from low self-esteem, and with alienation, exploitation creeps in.

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Another side of the same problem is the sense of belonging. What will these damaged people connect to? A sense of common motives, values and believes keeps them integrated as a group. This is how they start identifying themselves as a part of a group with a set of missions.

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That brings us to the reaction that these recruits have towards the mission and values of the terrorist groups. The groups thrive by glorification of their purpose. They see themselves as the messiah, fighting against injustice. If we look at the ISIS killing videos carefully, we will see how elaborate and glorified the process is. It looks almost like a sacred sacrifice. The victim is paraded, given a voice and then beheaded or set ablaze. The youth often considers this a chance to prove his manliness.


Another way they lure people into their fold is by giving a direction and voice to their demands. For instance, separatist rifts between linguistically or ethnically different people residing in the same state is common. Terrorist groups promise to grant them the desired home land.

Photo: Reuters

The demon of terrorism feeds on the insecurity and confused mind of people. Its all about manipulating the sentiments.

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