University of the Sunshine Coast Professor of Psychology Mary Katsikitis has been appointed to the board of the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC).
This organisation develops and monitors standards for the education and training of psychologists in Australia through its accreditation practices.
“APAC provides the standards for accreditation to assist universities to offer programs of high quality and to equip students to apply their education and applied skills in the community,” Professor Katsikitis said.
The USC academic was nominated for the post by the Heads of Departments and Schools of Psychology Association which represents all 39 Australian universities and colleges offering accredited psychology programs.
Professor Katsikitis has led the accreditation process for psychology programs at USC since 2007.
She is the University’s Foundation Professor and Discipline Leader of Psychology and is proud to lead a team of highly credentialed staff.
“All of the USC psychology academic team hold a higher degree in psychology – PhDs in the main – and demonstrate expertise in their field,” she said.
“The clinical psychology team comprises highly trained supervisors in their profession and offers expert training in clinical psychology for our postgraduate students.”
Professor Katsikitis’s recent research has focused on using web-based media to deliver positive interventions, and measuring their effect on adolescent and adult mental health.
University of the Sunshine Coast
11th of August 2014
Permanent Link: USC Psychology Head appointed to national board
Publish Date: 12 Aug 14
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