Tribune columnist, MU professor traces history of sexuality in book


Wayne Anderson wants to talk about sex.

And why not? As a therapist, researcher and psychology instructor at the University of Missouri, Anderson has made his living for the past 50 years doing just that.

Now, he has put the results of those years of study into a book, “The Changing Face of Sex” (AKA-Publishing, 2012).

In it, Anderson traces the evolution of sexual mores, starting with the repressed Victorian age and ending at the much freer present day.

Along the way, he explores such topics as the need for sex education, the evolution and spread of sexually transmitted diseases, the brain chemistry of love, behavioral differences between men and women, marriage and divorce, dual-career couples, monogamy, pregnancy, homosexuality, rape and how the practice of psychotherapy can be expanded to include sexuality.

Anderson has been asking students in his human sexuality class questions about sexuality since 1969, and he uses their written responses throughout the book.

Although much of the content in the book reflects attitudinal trends on campus, Anderson said the book is written for a general readership.

“I think there’s an inherent interest that people have in sexuality, but it still is not something that you see so much of. If you read Cosmopolitan, which people evidently buy for the sex, it’s the same thing month after month. It doesn’t get into the background of this. I get into the evolution of sexual behavior, the historical things that had to be overcome,” Anderson said.

Anderson anticipates mixed reactions to the book.

“Some people are appalled at where we are. I have moments where my students talk about sex casually. My feeling is ‘Is that right? I might be partially to blame for this,’ ” Anderson said.

However, Anderson said some of the change he documents in his book is positive.

“There is some pride involved, also, in terms that rape victims are treated better, and homosexuals have a much better place in the world,” Anderson said.

Anderson’s book will be available in hardcover and softcover editions through traditional booksellers such as and Barnes Noble. Additionally, the book will be available for tablet devices.

Reach Caroline Dohack-McCrary at 573-815-1727 or e-mail

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