We already know that dogs are smart. If man's best friend is capable of riding motorcycles, shredding on skateboards, and intimacy, then everything else should be a piece of cake. Everything except dodging reverse psychology apparently. One dog owner outsmarted his dog using reverse psychology in order to get it to take medicine.
In the video, Fellipe Vilaca Chibante tricks his furry friend—a Dachshund named "Melissa" a.k.a. "Mel" by showing her the medicine and telling her that she can't have it. Now, because he told her she can't have it it's all she wants. The medicine becomes the forbidden fruit. Speaking in Portuguese, Chibante repeats "No" to Mel as she comes closer and closer to him, pining for the medicine. After she climbs his leg and Chibante has her where he wants her he strategically "accidentally" drops the medicine, which she gobbles up.
People commenting on the video have questioned the method's effectiveness, saying that Mel, or any dog for that matter, would no longer obey their owners when being told not to eat something. Do you think the risk is worth the reward?
Watch the master at work above.
[via Mashable]
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