The Role of Color Psychology in Marketing

The Role of Color Psychology in Marketing image The Role of Color Psychology in Marketing DONE3

In building a brand, the visual impact of a business logo or website design is as important as the value of the product or service being offered. And one important aspect of that imagery is the color.

For some marketers, a color is just something that could be picked off the top of the head and doesn’t really signify something. But for those who really invest a lot of brainwork in their business image, colors are something that helps define a brand’s reputation.

Brandon Gaille, CEO of the internet marketing company, which specializes in SEO, social media, reputation management, video production, and web design, shared his thoughts on how colors can influence people to support (or not support) a brand:


How Do Colors Affect Us Mentally?

Think about the psychological effects of colors before using them. A short list of the meaning behind colors is listed below.

Red: Shows excitement and stimulation.
Blue: Creates a feeling of trust and security.
Green: Associated with environmental products and promotes feelings of health and tranquility. It is also associated with money.
Purple: Often used in beauty products, purple is used to resemble wise, creative, luxury, or imaginative brands.
Yellow and Orange: These colors are cheerful but are used to much can also lead to a feeling of anxiousness.
White, Gray, and Black: These are associated with a color splash but not to be used too much. White is associated with purity, black is associated with power and strength, while gray is associated with staying power.

Schemes, Contrasts, and Choosing Colors

When designing a webpage, contrast is very important. Use contrasting colors to make easy-to-read text areas, and to make your product pop-out from the page. You always want the background to contrast from the product, if possible. Usually, backgrounds are of lighter colors, with the product being a darker color. For sites with lots of information,go for neutral color schemes. Choose bright colors to create a sense of vibrant energy. Monochromatic, complimentary, and triple color schemes are all appropriate. Monochrome looks sleek. Complimentary schemes appear pleasing to the eye for a large audience. Triple color schemes are the most popular.

A very beautiful and insightful infographic, as well as the entire article, can be found at Color Psychology in Marketing 

This content originally appeared at Callbox Blog.

This article is an original contribution by Belinda Summers.

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