The Psychology of Why You Suck at Managing Email (and What You Can Do …

Thorin Klosowski

The Psychology of Why You Suck at Managing Email (and What You Can Do About)Inbox zero, spam filters, priority inboxes; we use countless tricks to manage email, but for many it's a never ending cycle of stress. The BBC suggests it's just as much a psychological problem as it is a technical one.

According to the BBC, we get a thrill out of receiving email for a couple of big reasons. First off, we like reciprocity—when we respond to a positive action with another positive action. In terms of email, it's all about the underlying subtext. When someone sends you an email, it also means they're interested in what you have to say, and you want to respond to that. You don't have much in the way of a solution to countering that feeling, but the 2-2-2 Rule of responding right away is a good place to start.

On that same note, one of the biggest psychological issues is "responsibility pressure." As in any conversation, when someone says something to you, you should respond. With email, this means you feel the need to read it, and respond, even if that's not entirely necessary. The BBC explains:

Nowhere is this more apparent than the group email and the avalanche of replies that invariably ensues. Strike back by reminding yourself that not all email has to be replied to, that lots of issues will be – and should be – dealt with by other people. Ask yourself: "If I didn't have this information in my inbox, would I go out looking for it?" Most of the time the answer is probably "no", and that's a sign that someone else is controlling your attention.

The solution? When the answer is "no," delete the email and move on. Remember, email isn't a filing cabinet, and the quicker you get through it, the less hassle you'll have in the long run. Head over to the BBC for a full breakdown of what's going on in your head when you're dealing with email.

Email: A psychological self-defence course | BBC

Photo by BuzzFarmers.

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