TechBits: computer security & psychology (08.27.15)

Many people are simply handing hackers the tool they need to break into financial accounts.

Former fugitive hacker Kevin Mitnick recently spoke about the problem.  He now gets paid to find weaknesses in companies' security systems.  Mitnick says the number one tool he uses to get into those systems is people.  Mitnick says his company has a 100% success rate at getting people to open the doors to hackers.

So what can you do to keep your data safe?  It's as simple as being alert, and being smart.  You can take very simple steps, like never giving out passwords over the phone.  Also, never simply call numbers you might get in e-mails about bank accounts or other sensitive matters.  Always look up the numbers independently.  Never open file attachments from people you don;t trust.  Even if a file comes from someone you do trust, be cautious.

Mitnick says hackers can also use technology that makes it easy fro you to hand over your information without know it.  Next week in TechBits, we'll look at how you can be lured into sending your information straight to hackers when you think you;re on a public wi-fi network.

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