A Facebook addiction test developed by the University of Bergen in Norway may be able to tell you if you have a Facebook problem. As I watch my friend across the lunch table use her smartphone to post yet another photo and status update, I'm certain that addiction to social media can be as real as that of other addictions.
According to Doctor of Psychology Cecile Schou Andreassen who heads the research study on Facebook addiction, symptoms resemble those of drug, alcohol, or other substance addictions.
Who is at risk?
While Facebook dependency is more often found in younger users, people of any age may be at risk. The Bergen research shows that people who are anxious and socially insecure find it easier to communicate on Facebook than in person, and are therefore at risk. On the other end of the scale, Facebook addiction is related to extraversion.
Because of the social nature of Facebook, women are more at risk of becoming addicted than men.
People who are more organized and ambitious have a lower risk of addiction. They typically use social media for work and networking
Are you an addict?
The Bergen Facebook Addiction Test (Scale) is based on six criteria.
How often do you find the following to be true? Score each answer with this point scale: (1) Very rarely, (2) Rarely, (3) Sometimes, (4) Often, and (5) Very often:
You spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook or plan use of Facebook.
You feel an urge to use Facebook more and more.
You use Facebook in order to forget about personal problems.
You have tried to cut down on the use of Facebook without success.
You become restless or troubled if you are prohibited from using Facebook.
You use Facebook so much that it has had a negative impact on your job/studies.
You could be an addict if you score "often" or "very often" on at least four of the six items.
The Bergen research found that people with high scores on the Facebook Addiction scale tend to have somewhat delayed sleep-wake rhythm. They can't go to sleep until late at night then have trouble waking in the morning. It stands to reason that they have this kind of sleep disorder if they are up all night on Facebook.
Find more self quizzes and information about Internet addiction in the post "Are You An Internet Addict?"