Shannon Smith and Trevor Sanders

Layne Smith and Laura Smith, both of Baker, La., announce the engagement of their daughter, Shannon Smith, to Trevor Sanders, son of John Sanders and Teresa Sanders, both of Great Bend.
The bride-elect is a 1999 graduate of Scotlandville Magnet High School in Baton Rouge, La. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Louisiana State University before completing a master’s degree in 2005 from University of Louisiana-Lafayette in Experimental Psychology. She is currently in the finishing stages of completing her Doctorate of Philosophy degree in Clinical Psychology from Jackson State University. She is employed by Larned State Hospital as a psychologist.
The prospective groom is a 2002 graduate of Great Bend High School. He is employed as an electrician by Don’s Electric in Great Bend.
The wedding is planned for April 11 at Oak Lodge in Baton Rouge, La.

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