Science Says That If You Want Someone To Be Sexually Attracted To You – Take Them HERE

Looks like the movie Lovers On a Bridge may have been onto something.

The psychology of love is a complex but powerful thing - it's the one subject we will probably never fully understand, but never stop endeavouring to do so.

It's no surprise that countless scientific studies and experiments seek to decipher the language of love and understand the laws of attraction.

Psychologists have found that walking on shaky bridge with someone is actually proven to increase sexual attraction between you.

The study, conducted by Art Aron and Donald Dutton in 1974, showed that the reason we are more attracted to someone when walking on a shaky bridge is down to "mis-attribution of fear".

This basically means that there are multiple types of arousal, and sometimes we can get confused with their source.

According to youarenotsosmart:

"Arousal, in the psychological sense, is not limited to sexual situations.

"It is a state of wakefulness, more alert and aware than normal, in which your mind is paying full attention to the moment.

"The men on the bridge experienced this heightened state of clarity, fear, anxiety and dread, and when they met an attractive woman those feelings continued to flow into their hearts and heads, but the source got scrambled. Was it the bridge or the lady?"

Now, to find a plausible reason to get our office crush to a shaky bridge.

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