Sales Psychology Author Creates Alter Ego for New Guerrilla Marketing Strategy

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Dick Powers: Sales Training Buffoon

"People who appreciate Dick are more likely to be interested in the kind of sales training I offer: customer-centric, psychological, empathetic -- but with a sense of humor," says McLaughlin.

Buffalo, NY (PRWEB) July 10, 2013

With a limited budget but limitless creativity, Peter McLaughlin looked to his past career as an actor in New York to bring alter ego Dick Powers to life. "He’s the antithesis of everything I teach in sales trainings and everything I write about in my book, Becoming the Customer: Empathy, Influence, and Closing the Sale," says McLaughlin.

Guerrilla marketing ideas have proliferated in recent years, the result of a saturated media market. From flashmobs to wacky publicity stunts, individuals and businesses are harnessing their creativity to "break through the noise." McLaughlin, recently downsized from his job in sales, saw an opportunity to promote his new sales training business through humor – without spending a dime.

Using a tripod, iPhone, lots of hair gel and acting chops, McLaughlin has created four Dick Powers "training" videos. From "Customers are Sheep" to "Close More Sales with Personal Grooming," Dick delivers his unique wisdom and buffoonery – and ultimately, more visitors to McLaughlin’s website.

"People who appreciate Dick are more likely to be interested in the kind of sales training I offer: customer-centric, psychological, empathetic – but with a sense of humor," says McLaughlin. "Dick allows me to reach companies with forward-thinking sensibilities, who aren’t afraid to think outside the box."

BTC Sales Training provides training and coaching based on McLaughlin’s book, Becoming the Customer: Empathy, Influence, and Closing the Sale, and is dedicated to educating and equipping professional salespeople with the principles and techniques of subconscious influence inherent in the sales process, creating a method to stand in the shoes of the customer.

First-time author Peter McLaughlin has 25 years of experience across the sales gamut, including commission-only and business-to-business selling, cold calling, successful business ownership, and selling to the C-suite. A practicing hypnotist, McLaughlin combines the skills of two worlds that rarely, if ever, intersect – sales and subconscious persuasion – in his book and trainings.

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