Ripon High adding three new courses

Ripon High will offer several new classes for the fall.

Included is the beginning computer programming class coupled with Psychology and AP Music Theory.

Principal Lance Morrow gave a presentation on the new courses at last week’s Ripon Unified school board meeting.

“These courses will provide more elective opportunities to our students,” he said.  “We hope to obtain a UC A-G approval for Psychology and AP Music Theory.”

A-G courses can help students fulfill their part of their needs for college admission, according to They’re required to complete at least 11 such courses prior to their senior year with a grade of C or better.

As for the computer programming class – or Introduction to C++ – Morrow had an unofficial quote of $15,276 for text books.

The district’s financial consultant Douglas Crancer noted that RUSD, based on the revised second interim report, set aside $300,000 for instruction materials.

The Psychology course, Morrow said, appears to be the popular of the new courses, with 35 students looking to register for the two sections. Cost for text books would come up to about $14,411.

AP Music Theory’s text book was significantly less at $4,280.

Trustees unanimously approved the new courses, 5-0.

In other actions, they accepted the retirement request submitted by Lynette Lucchesi, Jeannette Lee and Nancy Amos.

Lucchesi’s retirement will be effective as of May 30. She’s been with the district for the past 25 years, working at Ripona and Colony Oak elementary schools.

Lee, who was hired by then-Superintendent Joseph O’Leary in 1990, has taught at Ripona, Park View and Colony Oak.

“This district is near and dear to my heart,” she said. “It has been a journey that I have thoroughly enjoyed.”

Lee is now looking to pursue other interests.

Amos is stepping down as Title Aide at Ripona, and has been at RUSD for 26 years.

The school board, in addition, accepted the resignations of Kathy Gladden (data analyst) and Donna Chesko (yard duty).

“Thank you so much for the opportunity to work in this position for the past six years,” Gladden said in her resignation letter to the board. “I’ve great enjoyed and appreciated the opportunities I’ve had with a very successful team dedicated to quality data.”

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