Psychology Book

A local psychologist is promoting a new approach to overcoming dark emotions. He says embrace them rather than try to control them.

Jerry Duvinsky's new book is called "How to Lose Control and Gain Emotional Freedom". He contends that the effort many people put into trying to tamp down or deny their fear, anger, anxiety or shame only worsens their suffering. He suggests that instead people should acknowledge and embrace these difficult emotions through a combination of Eastern-style self-awareness and exposure therapy.

Duvinsky calls the publication the anti-self help, self-help book. "My hope is that this book will be read by therapists. It can be used as a guide for their patients. I wrote this specifically for my patients. It was really subsequent that I figured that other people can be helped."

Duvinsky received his PhD in Clinical Psychology from Binghamton University and has been a practicing therapist for over 20 years. His book is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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