Psychologists warn parents: Talk to your children about massacre | News – Home

EL PASO, Texas -

Across the nation, mental health specialists are weighing the psychological affects of a lone gunman killing innocent children and inspiring terror at school, a place that no longer seems safe.

"Many of them will be likely fearful and have lots of questions," said Dr. Mehmet Oz of "The Dr. Oz Show."

Questions like, "Why did someone do this?" and, "Will a man like come to my school?" Local UTEP Psychology Professor Rick Myer says reassure your children.

"This is the time as a community, as a family to come together and hopefully grow from the experience," Myer said. 

Psychology experts recommend if you child is under 7, keep them away from the news.

"As an adult you can handle it but kids cannot," Oz said. 

If they're older, sit down and ask them their feelings about the shooting and discuss it. Regardless of their age though, get them back on a routine.

"Do no give in to your own fears and allow you kids to stay home from school. They're looking to you for the confidence they want," Oz said. 

And for parents' peace of mind, Myers encourages finding out how your child's school is prepared to handle emergencies.

"Be sure that the school has a good plan and that plan has been practiced and that everyone know what to do and when to do it," Myer said. 

Kids going to school this Monday need to be assured school is a safe place and what happened in Conneticut is not a normal event.  

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