Wayne State University names dean of College of Education

Posted in EN
Russell Douglas Whitman of Oakland Township was named dean of Wayne State University’s College of Education. He has served as interim dean since May 2014, during which time, he launched the TeachDETROIT initiative, focusing on training teachers to work in Detroit Public Schools. Whitman was previously professor and director of clinical training and chairman in the WSU Department of Psychology. Whitman has a bachelor of science degree in business administration and journalism from Syracuse University and a Ph.D. in psychology from Brandeis University. >>>

Generation kurzsichtig

Posted in DE
Die Hornhaut ist das hauchdünne «Fenster», das vorne das Auge abschliesst – und das man ungern berührt. Doch wenn Michael Wyss über die Hornhaut spricht oder eine fröhlich-farbige drei­dimensionale Darstellung von ihr auf den Computerbildschirm holt, hat man nicht mehr das Gefühl, die Hornhaut sei eine etwa einen halben Millimeter dünne, gebogene, empfindliche Scheibe. Sondern eine plastische, formbare Schicht, mit der man arbeiten, in die man Vertiefungen treiben oder der man Formveränderungen zumuten kann. Und zwar fast unbemerkt – über Nacht.Michael Wyss ist Optometrist >>>

Mükemmellik dayatmaları

Posted in TR
Prof. Dr. ASENA AKDEMİR / Psikiyatrist CEREN AYDINGünümüz Türkiyesi her alanda globelleşiyor. Psikoloji alanı da bundan nasibini alıyor. Bireyselleşmeyle el ele giden rekabet kültürünün bize hep ‘daha iyisini’ yapmayı telkin ettiği bir dönemdeyiz. Hiç de yabancısı olmadığımız mükemmele ulaşma arzusu da çoğumuz tarafından takdir gören, örnek alınan kişilik özelliklerinden biri haliyle. Tüm o başarılar, takdirler, saygınlıklar…Gelin görün ki bu sadece vitrinden bize yansıyan kısım. >>>

What affects our food choices?

Posted in EN
Washington: A team of psychologists has discovered what influences our food choices. Texas Christian University's Dr. Sarah Hill's research revealed that childhood socioeconomic status may influence people's food choices as adults. The research finds that growing up poor promotes eating in the absence of hunger in adulthood, regardless of one's adult socioeconomic status. According to their findings, this means that a person's developmental history may play a key role in their relationship with food and weight management, rendering those from lower socioeconomic status (SES) environments more >>>

Προς το αύριο

Posted in GR
  Η μέρα ήταν κουραστική και η διαδρομή μέχρι το σπίτι φαντάζει ατελείωτη. Τα βλέφαρα βαραίνουν, κλείνουν. Ολα μοιάζουν ιδανικά για έναν σύντομο υπνάκο, εκτός από τον κίνδυνο του να χάσει κανείς τη στάση στην οποία πρέπει να κατεβεί. Το πρόβλημα αυτό έρχεται να λύσει η πρωτότυπη ελληνική εφαρμογή Tri... >>>

1.500 επίδοξοι Ομπάμα

Posted in GR
  Ποιος θέλει να γίνει πλανητάρχης στη θέση του Μπαράκ Ομπάμα; Απ' ό,τι φαίνεται, 1.500 άνθρωποι, ζώα και... σούπερ ήρωες το σκέφτονται σοβαρά. Μαραγκοί, πάστορες, νοικοκυρές, εκπαιδευτικοί - από δασκάλες ως καθηγητές Νομικής στο Χάρβαρντ. Μαζί τους, γάτες, σκαντζόχοιροι, φανταστικοί πρωταγωνι... >>>

Understanding emotions

Posted in EN
Jan 31, 2016- In a very real sense we have two minds, one that thinks and one that feels” says Daniel Goleman, an internationally known psychologist. It is interesting that facebook, which has become an inseparable part of many lives, seems to have captured both these minds proposed by Goleman through its never-satisfying desire to know what the user is thinking and feeling. We all think a lot but reflection on our feelings might not get the same share of our time. It is natural that people feel different emotions at different times, and it is but natural to express those feelings. The question >>>

Une psychiatre à Haïti

Posted in FR
Le Dr Maryvonne Bargues est psychiatre. Elle est à la tête d’une équipe MSF de santé mentale composée de 19 personnes, dont 13 psychologues haïtiens. Dans un entretien réalisé à l’hôpital Saint-Louis de MSF à Port-au-Prince, elle explique comment, quatre mois après le tremblement de terre, les séquelles psychologiques restent omniprésentes. Aujourd’hui, la population souffre-t-elle encore des conséquences psychologiques du séisme ? Quatre mois après le tremblement de terre, beaucoup de gens restent dans ce que j’appellerai « une confusion complète >>>

How to Be Happier

Posted in EN
~ By Patricia Kay Youngson ~ There is a field of psychology called positive psychology which studies how we can increase our levels of happiness. There is scientific proof that certain activities and behaviors can make us happier. So how much of our happiness can we influence? Forty percent. We inherit fifty percent of our happiness and ten percent is related to our circumstances. The positive psychologists have deducd that fifty percent of our level of happiness is hereditary by studying identical twins who have been reared apart. Their levels (or set points) of happiness are the same. >>>