Surviving Spouse Still Influenced By the Other

Posted in EN
FRIDAY, Feb. 5, 2016 (HealthDay News) -- The influence of a husband or wife on their spouse's quality of life remains strong even after death, a new study says.Couples who have been married a long time develop a high level of interdependence, and one partner's quality of life at death continues to influence the survivor, the University of Arizona researchers said."If your partner has higher quality of life before they pass away, you're more likely to have higher quality of life even after they're gone. If he or she has lower quality of life before they pass away, >>>

A Victim’s Decision: The Psychology Behind Reporting Rape

Posted in EN
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - Sioux Falls police are investigating two new rape cases reported on Thursday, both involving men the victims did not know.The first is reported to have happened late Wednesday night at an apartment on North Western Avenue.Police say a 22-year-old woman was entering the complex when a man smoking outside followed her in.She told police he pushed his way into her apartment and raped her in a bedroom.The second rape happened on the evening of December 23rd.A 47-year-old woman told police she went into the laundry room at her >>>

The Psychology Behind Reporting Rape

Posted in EN
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - Sioux Falls police are investigating two new rape cases reported on Thursday, both involving men the victims did not know.The first is reported to have happened late Wednesday night at an apartment on North Western Avenue.Police say a 22-year-old woman was entering the complex when a man smoking outside followed her in.She told police he pushed his way into her apartment and raped her in a bedroom.The second rape happened on the evening of December 23rd.A 47-year-old woman told police she went into the laundry room at her >>>

UC Riverside psychology professor recruiting for new study analyzing the relationships of same-sex couples

Posted in EN
Posted by Steve Lee, Editor Online Only, Top Highlights, Around the Nation Friday, February 5th, 2016 Megan Robbins RIVERSIDE, Calif.  – Megan Robbins, assistant professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, is looking to recruit 150 same- and opposite-sex married (or marriage-like) couples for a new study that will look at how couples interact in their daily lives. “I became interested in how lesbian and gay couples communicate after a study I did on how couples interact during a stressful period of their lives,” explained >>>

The hidden psychology behind sports teams, coaches and their fans

Posted in EN
JUDY WOODRUFF: Next, in case you’re been asleep, this is Super Bowl weekend. The heavily favored Carolina Panthers will face off against the Denver Broncos on Sunday for football’s biggest prize. Hari Sreenivasan has our story. HARI SREENIVASAN: A TV audience of well over 100 million is expected to tune in to see the Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton go head-to-head with sentimental favorite Peyton Manning leading the Denver Broncos. Both teams spent this week in preparations. The game caps a season of big rivalries, bigger setbacks and some surprise comebacks. In a new book, “This >>>

Psychology continues to shine

Posted in EN
 Western Illinois University’s Specialist of Psychology Schools anounced it had renewed their nationally accredited program on Feb. 2.  Ruth Kelly, a psychology professor and coordinator of the Specialist in School Psychology Program shared that accreditation is renewed every seven years.  “I think that there are over 200 schools around the country with accreditation,” Kelly said. “Within the state of Illinois, there are eight programs right now that are accredited, so we’re one of eight.”  Professor and Interim Psychology Chairperson Karen Sears described how she feels rewarded >>>

Geist ist mehr als Gehirn

Posted in DE
Viele Neurowissenschaftler verstehen die Hirnforschung als neue Leitwissenschaft, die den Menschen besser als jede andere Disziplin erfassen und uns zu grundlegend neuer Selbsterkenntnis verhelfen könne. Gegen diesen hohen Anspruch macht der an der Bonner Universität lehrende junge Philosoph Markus Gabriel in der polemischen Streitschrift «Ich ist nicht Gehirn» mobil. Sie überzeugt durch klar vorgetragene Argumente und anschauliche Beispiele.Markus Gabriel kennt die grossen Autoren der antiken Weisheitslehren ebenso gut wie die Meisterdenker der klassischen deutschen Philosophie >>>

Hudební psychologie – 5.díl – Hudba a mozek

Posted in CZ
02.02. | Autoři: Lubomír Holzer, Dan Sywala | sekce: pro muzikanty - seriály Hudební psychologie - 5.díl - Hudba a mozek Co se děje v našem mozku, když posloucháme hudbu, která se nám nesmírně líbí? Poslech hudby je komplexní činnost, na které se podílí celá řada mozkových oblastí. Velice zjednodušeně můžeme říci, že na vnímání hudby se specializuje pravá mozková hemisféra a na vnímání řeči levá. Do vnímání je vždy zapojena senzorická i motorická kůra. Aktivuje se i řada podkorových >>>

Psicologia e nuove tecnologie, open day della Sigmund Freud …

Posted in IT
Ore 09.00 - Milano: Sigmund Freud University, Ripa di Porta Ticinese 77 Dallo psicologo del futuro che utilizza le nuove tecnologie digitali al ruolo della genetica e dell’ambiente nello sviluppo: lezioni del corso di Laurea Triennale in Psicologia aperte a tutti. Nel corso dell'appuntamento la Sigmund Freud presenta la sua offerta formativa e didattica e offre l’opportunità di assistere a tre lezioni tenute dai suoi docenti e psicoterapeuti professionisti. Il programma: - 09.00: accoglienza e presentazione del corso di laurea triennale in Psicologia >>>

The Psychological Upside of Becoming a Regular at a Bar

Posted in EN
Out of the scientific left field (okay, the department of experimental psychology at the University of Oxford) has come a study claiming that, barring hangovers or “did I really send that?” texts, regular face time at a bar isn’t a bad thing. It’s actually good for your health. The study, commissioned by the pub advocacy group Campaign for Real Ale, evaluated the drinking behaviors of 2,254 respondents throughout the U.K. The researchers found that, compared with people who check out different bars, folks who frequent the same local dives “have more close friends on whom they can depend >>>