Αντιμεταναστευτικές συγκεντρώσεις του Pegida σε πόλεις της Ευρώπης

Posted in GR
Το γερμανικό αντιισλαμικό-αντιμεταναστευτικό κίνημα Pegida οργάνωσε σήμερα συγκεντρώσεις σε πολλές πόλεις της Ευρώπης σε ένδειξη διαμαρτυρίας για την άφιξη εκατοντάδων χιλιάδων προσφύγων και μεταναστών από την Μέση Ανατολή και την Αφρική. Το ακροδεξιό κίνημα των "Ευρωπαίων Πατριωτών κατά του Εξισλαμισμού της Δύσης", ξεκίνησε από >>>

Η έκρηξη στο αεροσκάφος της Daalo οφείλεται σε βόμβα ανακοίνωσε …

Posted in GR
Κυριότερες Ειδήσεις Αποκλεισμένη για 24 ώρες η Ε.Ο. Αθηνών - Λαμίας από αγρότες - Κλειστοί και οι παράδρομοι (upd)Ταξίδι εφιάλτης περιμένει τους οδηγούς που θα ήθελαν να κινηθούν από την Αθήνα προς τη Λαμία αφού έχει κλείσει σε 4 σημεία το εθνικό δίκτυο για 24...Κοτζιάς από Άμστερνταμ: Δεν οφείλει μόνο η Ελλάδα απαντήσεις για το προσφυγικό«Από >>>

Tahammül Edememek Bir Hastalıktır!!

Posted in TR
Sağlık - Tahammülsüzlük Nedir? Kimlere Tahammül Edilemez? "Kimseye tahammül edemiyorum" Cümlesinin Altındaki Sır ne? “İnsanların tahammül kredilerini son zerresine kadar kullanıp artık sınıra dayandıklarında ya da böyle bir krediye sahip olacak kişilik yapıları en başından beri var olmadığında bu isyan cümlesiyle karşılaşırız” diyen Uzmanlar. “Kimseye tahammül edemiyorum” cümlesini çok sık kullandığınızı düşünüyorsanız dikkat edin uyarısında bulundular. “İki olasılık da baş etmesi zor durumlardır ve bazen çözüm için kökten >>>

Compulsion to eat the inedible

Posted in EN
DUBAI // Imagine living with a rare disorder that drives a craving for inedible substances such as paper, soap, metal, charcoal and clay.Elena-Maria Andrioti, of the Psychology Centre at the Carbone Clinic in Dubai, has come across patients suffering with the rare, impulsive and untreatable craving disorder called pica, an appetite for non-food substances.And Ms Andrioti believed many more are hiding the disorder through shame. “I have had a patient who reported having consumed glue and paper when she was 10 years old to ‘try it out’ and, sometimes as a defence mechanism to reduce her anxiety >>>

Making plan for mom with Alzheimer’s should start with conversation

Posted in EN
Q. I think my mother, who is in her late 70s, is showing signs of Alzheimer’s. She is increasingly forgetful, and has become negative and nasty. She was never like this. My two brothers think that there is nothing wrong with her because they only visit once or twice a month and then stay for an hour or two. I’m with her on an almost daily basis. How can I convince them that she has a problem that we need to address?A. No one likes to see a parent age, and it is common for people to pretend that nothing is wrong until there are serious problems. I would suggest that you have a family meeting >>>

Leonard Pitts Jr.: Movies, TV shows can neutralize bigotry

Posted in EN
So it turns out sitcoms can erase bigotry.That’s the bottom line of a study recently presented before a conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. And it doesn’t even have to be a particularly good sitcom.To judge, at least, from a screening of its first two episodes, the Canadian sitcom on which the study is based was earnest, amiable, and about as funny as Schindler’s List. Apparently, however, Canadian television viewers liked it well enough. Little Mosque on the Prairie, a culture clash show about life at a Muslim worship house in small town Canada, premiered in >>>

"Troubling Oddities" In A Social Psychology Data Set

Posted in EN
A potential case of data manipulation has been uncovered in a psychology paper. The suspect article is ‘Why money meanings matter in decisions to donate time and money’ (2013) from University of Arizona psychologists Promothesh Chatterjee, Randall L. Rose, and Jayati Sinha. This study fell into the genre of ‘social priming‘, specifically ‘money priming’. The authors reported that making people think about cash reduces their willingness >>>

“Troubling Oddities” In A Social Psychology Data Set

Posted in EN
A potential case of data manipulation has been uncovered in a psychology paper. The suspect article is ‘Why money meanings matter in decisions to donate time and money’ (2013) from University of Arizona psychologists Promothesh Chatterjee, Randall L. Rose, and Jayati Sinha. This study fell into the genre of ‘social priming‘, specifically ‘money priming’. The authors reported that making people think about cash reduces their willingness >>>

Συνελήφθη αστυνομικός για ψευδή καταγγελία κλοπής των όπλων του

Posted in GR
Αστυνομικός συνελήφθη από τη Διεύθυνση Εσωτερικών Υποθέσεων, γιατί μαζί με την αδελφή του και ένα φίλο του έστησαν ολόκληρο σενάριο για να «εξαφανίσουν» τα όπλα του, όταν του γνωστοποιήθηκε ότι επρόκειτο να ανακληθεί η πρόσληψη του στην Αστυνομία επειδή είχε καταθέσει πλαστό απολυτήριο Λυκείου. Πρόκειται για έναν υπαρχιφύλακα >>>

Güncel; Artık Kimseye tahammül edemiyorum Ne Takatım, Nede …

Posted in TR
Sağlık - Tahammülsüzlük Nedir? Kimlere Tahammül Edilemez? "Kimseye tahammül edemiyorum" Cümlesinin Altındaki Sır ne? “İnsanların tahammül kredilerini son zerresine kadar kullanıp artık sınıra dayandıklarında ya da böyle bir krediye sahip olacak kişilik yapıları en başından beri var olmadığında bu isyan cümlesiyle karşılaşırız” diyen Uzmanlar. “Kimseye tahammül edemiyorum” cümlesini çok sık kullandığınızı düşünüyorsanız dikkat edin uyarısında bulundular. “İki olasılık da baş etmesi zor durumlardır ve bazen çözüm için kökten >>>