Our recall of familiar objects – like the Apple logo – may not be as accurate we think

How confident are you that you can accurately recall the features of a simple object or

logo you encounter every day? Psychologists who invited dozens of college students to draw the

Apple logo from memory found hardly any could recall it accurately.

six false apple logos
Six of the false Apple logos in the array the students were asked to pick from.
Image credit: A Blake, M Nazarian, A Castel/UCLA Psychology

Also, when invited to pick out the Apple logo from an array of similar looking ones, more than

half the students picked the wrong one.

The researchers, from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), report the results of

their recall and recognition study in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

Senior author Alan Castel, associate professor of psychology at UCLA, says:

"People had trouble picking out the correct logo even when it was right in front of


In earlier research, Prof. Castel had shown that office

workers were not able to recall the location of a bright red fire extinguisher they had walked

past hundreds of times.

Other researchers have also shown that most of us are not good at recalling details of objects

we encounter every day, such as road signs, pennies and computer keyboards. Even accomplished

typists can struggle to recall all the keys of a standard keyboard.

'Just because we have seen something many times does not mean we remember it'

For this new study, Prof. Castel and his UCLA colleagues invited 85 undergraduates of the

university to draw the ubiquitous Apple logo correctly from memory on a blank sheet of paper.

To the researchers' surprise, only one participant correctly reproduced the Apple logo from


And fewer than half of the participants correctly identified the logo when asked to pick it out

from an array of Apple logos that included the correct amongst some with slightly altered


The participants included 52 who used Apple computers, 10 who used non-Apple computers, and 23

who used both Apple and non-Apple devices. However, the findings did not reflect any differences

among Apple and non-Apple users.

The Apple logo is one of the most recognizable and familiar brands in the world. As a logo it

is designed to be simple and memorable - so how is it that the participants' recall and

recognition was so poor?

From the earlier study, Prof. Castel had established that, "Just because we've seen something

many times doesn't mean we remember it or even notice it."

We may overestimate our power of recall

One explanation for the findings is that our brains have learned it is not important to

remember the exact details of an object. An efficient memory does not burden itself with the

details of a corporate logo, except perhaps when it is concerned with distinguishing counterfeit


The researchers suggest that when there is an intention to encode the details of the logo, then

people are more likely to memorize and reproduce it accurately. "However, in naturalistic settings

there is probably no intent to encode the details of the Apple logo."

They also conclude that their findings likely extend to specific memory for other logos. For

example, "failure to remember the colors of the Google letters," they note.

The team also found that we probably overestimate the accuracy of our recall. They asked the

participants how confident they were that they could draw the Apple logo accurately before they

drew it. Prof. Castel notes:

"There was a striking discrepancy between participants' confidence prior to drawing

the logo and how well they performed on the task. People's memory, even for extremely common

objects, is much poorer than they believe it to be."

How well do you know the Apple logo? The UCLA team has produced this web page for you to test


Meanwhile, Medical News Today recently learned of a study that found power naps can help memory. People who follow a concentrated

period of learning with a short relaxing sleep have better memory recall, say researchers from

Saarland University in Germany.

Written by Catharine Paddock PhD

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