Online Robot-Servants May soon be a Reality

Online Robot-Servants May soon be a Reality

We are not too far with the day when we will purchase our own robot-servant online. Scientists allow the people to have the robot-servants according to their own choice.

Akanksha Prakash, student at the Georgia Institute of Technology's and Wendy A. Rogers, Psychology professor, presented the images of several robots at the annual meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society in San Diego.

Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology's School of Psychology have done a survey to gather the views of the two groups of people i. e. the youth and the old.

They presented the results of the survey, which reveals that the youngsters prefer their robot-servant must have a mechanical face while the aged people prefer their robots to have a face similar to that of humans.

The most interesting fact was that the people not only preferred different appearances of their robots instead, they also demanded the jobs their robot-servants should perform. Most of the people demanded that their robot must change its appearance with the change in its work.

A survey was conducted by the scientists in order to get the views of the people, which would help them in designing more advanced robots that will be comfortable with the needs of the people. One test subject said: "Humans lie, but machines don't".

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