No jobs for graduates — report

The report, titled The Profile of Employed and Unemployed Graduates in Zimbabwe released by Industrial Psychology Consultants (Private) Limited said69% of graduates were employed in the field of their study while 31% interviewed were not.

“From our findings, 49,6% have been unemployed for at most a year,” reads part of the report.

“A total of 66, 8% have been unemployed for at most two years.

“This shows that most graduates don’t spend more than two years without getting employment somewhere.

“However, from the findings, some graduates spend over five years without getting formal employment in their field of study.”

The survey also asked unemployed graduates what they were doing to get some form of income.

“Most of the graduates responded by indicating some form of buying and selling. Many ideas were pointed out, like chickens, cellphones or some form of services they are offering to people,” the report said.

“Most of these graduates are offering their services from their homes or running their small businesses from home.”

However, some graduates said they had since left the country and were looking for jobs in neighbouring countries like South Africa.

The survey said the University of Zimbabwe still had the highest number of graduates with a 23,8% enrolment per year.

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