WENDY Foo Pui Wen is a model on a mission to bring out the beauty in others, both inside and out.
The Johor Baru lass recently decided to drop the marketing course that she was doing as she was no longer interested in it. She hopes to pick up psychology and counselling instead.
“I am interested in the well-being of others and I want to help people solve their personal problems,” she said.
Brimming with determination, Wendy currently works as a full-time freelance model and is learning from her friends about applying make-up on others and coordinating outfits.
She admitted to being unhappy with her weight a year ago and had sought to adopt a healthy lifestyle for her own sake.
“I chose to slim down in a healthy way by changing my diet and eating habits. I also became more active,” she said.
Wendy is quite passionate about yoga and has been going for classes for more than three years now. She hopes she might even become a yoga instructor someday.
She also exercises at the gym regularly and goes hiking with her friends in places such as Bukit Tabur, Broga Hill and the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) in Kepong.
Although she loves going clubbing and shopping with friends in her leisure time, Wendy also appreciates having her quiet time, during which she would either read a good book or watch a movie on her own.
Where in the world would you like to visit someday?
“Melbourne, Australia.”
What is one skill that you would like to learn?
“I would like to learn how to play the piano.”
Name one person that you consider a role model?
“Tyra Banks. Even though she only started as a model, she is now a successful television show producer.”
What is one of your most memorable experiences in life so far?
“Definitely my big 21st birthday celebration earlier this year. It was really tiring because I single-handedly organised the whole thing, but it was worth it in the end.”
Model: Wendy Foo Pui Wen
Born: 19 February, 1992 (Malaysian Chinese parents)
Fluent languages: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin