Mad Shopping: A retail expert and consumer psychologist advises how to not let …

According to Yarrow, your body is playing tricks on you. "Body signals muck up a successful shopping trip," she says. "For example, we can misinterpret hunger or thirst for cravings for something we want to buy and vice versa - we actually salivate when we see things we want to purchase. Keep water handy and tummies full on your trip to the mall this Black Friday."

Think first

When we are overwhelmed with choices and decisions, we are more prone to act carelessly. And in situations like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the pressure to be first to the register or website is high because it truly is a competition to score the best deals before they're gone. "Decision overload can offend your wallet," Yarrow says. "The more decisions we make, the less attention we pay to evaluating the consequences of those decisions, which for many means not shopping after work or possibly a stressful family outing!"

Be objective

Yarrow also warns that the anxiety and excitement surrounding Black Friday and Cyber Monday can mentally cloud objective thinking. "The autonomic nervous system arousal that accompanies a competitive shopping situation, such as Black Friday or a highly desirable object, can block logical purchase rationale and makes us more prone to impulse purchases," Yarrow says.


Stay alert for physical signs that might also cause you to act impulsively or without reason. "We constantly misattribute physical excitement," Yarrow explains. "If our heart is racing because we came close to missing our train, we can feel more attracted to the guy standing next to us than he deserves. Same goes for products. So plan your trip and stay relaxed."

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming up soon. But hopefully now, with the doctor's orders in hand, you can navigate these major shopping days with style, effectiveness and less stress.

Paula Sirois is a Florida-based writer who specializes in family life and frugal living for - the No. 1 online coupon site in the U.S.


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