Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Liar Liar Pants on Fire


Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another. 


“Always telling the truth is no doubt better than always lying, although equally pathological” (

Brinke, L. T., Porter, S. (2011) said “deception evolved as a fundamental aspect of human social interaction…” But why and how? Was it out of necessity or was it born from the luxury of convenience and opportunity? Information found in Psychology Today, online (04-27-2012), revealed that “…the average person lies several times a day…[sometimes]…as part of healthy self-esteem maintenance…[and sometimes as a result of]… serious delusions...[Apparently]…we can’t handle the truth.”

Various contributors told that they lie as a joke, to escape punishment, for personal gain, or simply because they get confused. Seriously? I don’t think my wife would believe that last one, AND TRUST ME when I tell you that she’s willing to believe I’m that simple. Maybe I could try it anyway; “Honey, didn’t you want to watch the NFL draft on your birthday? Oh, I thought we were just going to order in and eat in front of the television? I didn’t realize you wanted to go some place nice. I was confused.”

Pretty sure I’d need to sleep on somebody’s couch. Any takers?...(pause for effect)… Yeah, I didn’t think so.







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