Is this a circle? Your answer could reveal a lot about your outlook on life

Psychology expert Ben Ambridge wrote in The Guardian that participants who responded "yes" would more likely support same-sex marriage, legalisation of marijuana and government aid for the unemployed and homeless.

The author of Psy-Q, a book in which you can test your psychological intelligence, said these people would “actively want to help” these groups.

Meanwhile, “No" voters would prioritise having a strong military and support a zero-tolerance approach to crimes such as prostitution and illegal drug use.

Ambridge said this was “broadly speaking” the results of the study published in the journal.

“In three studies, participants were shown geometric figures and were asked to identify the extent to which they were “triangles” (or circles, squares),” an overview of the study explains.

“More conservative participants reported greater differentiation between perfect and imperfect shapes than more liberal participants, indicating greater sensitivity to deviance.

“Moreover, shape differentiation partly accounted for the relationship between political ideology and social policy, partially mediating the link between conservatism and harsher punishment of wrongdoers, less support for public aid for disadvantaged groups and less financial backing for policies that benefit marginalised groups in society.”


Meanwhile, scientists recently found a link between people impressed by wise-sounding, 'profound' quotes and low intelligence.

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