Interns given ‘psychological test’ on their first day freak out and quit

mind-blown-cat.jpg The Shenyang Evening News reports on ten new "post-90s" interns, who were given a "psychological test" by their new boss on their very first day, the results of which caused them all to have a collective freak out.

The CEO of the company which had hired the interns is reportedly a "renowned former psychology major" and regional expert on psychology. He had warned the interns that they would be tested on their first day to probe their personalities, abilities and weaknesses. The interns presumably expected something along the lines of personality/aptitude questionnaires that are commonly used by Western corporations. The interns' new boss had something different in mind however:

[At] 9 am there they were in the meeting room with the CEO, and the ‘test’ duly followed: they were given ten minutes to name a few strong points and at least five weaknesses of each of their fellow new interns. As soon as the words left the CEO’s mouth, a collective sound of consternation went up among the interns.

The interns were then shown what the others had written about them, which is where things started to go wrong. One girl, told that her fellow interns found her to be "egotistical, insensitive to others, offensive, cold, detached" burst into tears. Another simply ran out of the office, by midday the rest of the interns had followed suit.

The CEO reportedly lamented that the young interns were "so weak, what a pity."

[Via: Danwei]

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