In Brief

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HULL: The relationship between music and psychology will be examined in a conference being staged at the University of Hull next week.

The one-day event on Saturday, November 9 at the Cottingham Road campus is being organised by the Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research and is expected to attract experts from across the UK.

A spokesman said: "The conference will include invited presentations, a specialist workshop and selected submissions from researchers on the theme of music and empathy.

"In recent years, there has been a growing interest in empathy in the fields of music psychology and education. Research in music and empathy now spans a variety of contexts, including education and development, emotion, expressiveness, and performance."

HULL: A series of craft sessions at a city cafe are being extended due to popular demand.

Featuring a basic two-hour introduction to the art of welt-felting using 100 per cent British wool, the next workshop at Vintage Café in Chanterlands Avenue, west Hull, takes place this Sunday from 10am.

However, extra dates have now been added for November 10 and 24 as well as December 8.

Places on the course cost £15 and all materials are provided. Booking information is available by calling 01482 341415.

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