Andhra Pradesh Chief minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu had said that he is a psychologist too at the cadres training program that concluded yesterday. Babu said that he too can give psychology treatment and that no one can become a leader just by reading books as books can only show the right path.
Chandrababu Naidu made these comments when one of the leaders suggested him to gift the cadres with books that will help them to strengthen themselves psychologically. Obliging to the suggestion of his leaders of introducing the spiritual discourses of swami jis, Babu said that the cadres will now be equipped with strong mental balance to counter numerous challenges.
One of the leaders opined that the training programs in 1999 when Babu was the General Secretary of TDP must be back for the betterment of the party's present cadres. During the training programme, Babu also promised to back his cadres throughout their association with the TDP party and also vowed to fight relentlessly, if the self respect of the state is at stake.