Grandparental Care Making Children Obese

Grandparental Care Making Children ObeseAs per a research published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology, it has been unveiled that those children who are grown up by grandparents are more likely to get obese.

The study was carried out by a group of researchers from the University of Helsinki. Sugary treats like ice creams and biscuits make children obese and risk to premature death also gets increased.

The study researchers were of the view that one in three children who are looked after by grandparents is obese. There was a time when it was said grandparental care is vital for children. But with passage of time, grandparents have become more lenient and they love to adore their grandchildren.

"Our results show that the same grandmother behaviour that may have had beneficial effects for grandchildren in our evolutionary past may have opposite effects in modern societies", said the study researchers.

Psychologists were of the view that grandparents are making children follow less healthy eating patterns. Aric Sigman, a psychologist, was of the view that grandparents are getting older than ever. This creates problem in their mobility and they are no more active as grandparents were before. In fact, they cannot be with their grandchildren and this also adds to the problem.


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