Extroverts Could be a Liability on Trip to Mars

A new study has revealed that while extroverts may thrive down on Earth in social situations, they could be a liability on a trip to Mars.

Since NASA and other organizations are interested in sending humans to Mars, psychology researchers have been tasked in figuring out which personalities would work best for a long-term space trip.

Extroverts thrive at parties and on teams where they can speak freely, but on a three-year round trip to Mars, they could upset the social balance if others do not want to talk as much.

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"You're talking about a very tiny vehicle, where people are in very isolated, very confined spaces," said study researcher Suzanne Bell, an associate professor of psychology at DePaul University in Chicago, as quoted by Live Science. "Extroverts have a little bit of a tough time in that situation.

According to Auto World News, "In the new NASA-funded study, Bell and her team found that an extroverted crew member from a simulated mission didn't get along with two less talkative crew members, who thought he spoke his mind too often."

Extroverts' strengths lie in speaking out and deciding how teammates should work together, but may have trouble on a long space voyage where there is not a lot of variety, according to Politix.

"People who are extroverted might have a hard time coping because they want to be doing a lot; they want to be engaged in a lot of things," said study researcher Shanique Brown, a graduate student in industrial and organizational psychology at DePaul, as quoted by Live Science. "And [on these missions], there won't be that much to do--things become monotonous after a while, and you're seeing the same people."

Even still, extroverts have not been counted out completely for a trip to Mars. Researchers said they will have to train their astronauts to work together, no matter the personality types.


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