Debra and Mark Guntner of Voluntown, CT and Brian and Dawn Brouillard of Lisbon, CT are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Briana Brouillard to Robert Clough, son of Deb and Mike Morris of Mason City, IA and Marc and Pam Clough of Marble Rock, IA. The bride-to-be is a 2004 graduate of Norwich Free Academy. She graduated in 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Connecticut and has earned a Master's of Science in Special Education from Southern Connecticut State University. She is currently pursuing a career in teaching. Robert graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Actuarial Science and a minor in Economics at the University of Northern Iowa. He moved to Connecticut in 2008 and currently works as a Fixed Income Analyst at Aetna Investment Management. A June 2013 wedding is planned in Southeast Connecticut