Energy drinks cut drunken risk-taking: study

The University of Tasmania (UTAS) surveyed more than 400 Australians aged between 18 and 35 years old who had mixed alcohol and energy drinks in the previous six months.

The research looked at the physical, psychological and risk-taking effects of mixing the two.

While the mix-drinkers had similar rates of impulse and novelty seeking, they were less likely to lose their inhibitions and engage in 26 separate risky behaviours.

The finding contradicts currently available international research.

The survey's author, UTAS School of Psychology PhD candidate Amy Peacock, says that difference was the most surprising result.

"That related to driving behaviours, sexual practices, illicit and licit drug use, antisocial behaviours, the whole range," she says.

The mixed drinks also made the participants less likely to suffer the telltale sedative effects of increasing intoxication, meaning there was less indication of how drunk they were becoming.

"They were less likely to experience nausea, walking difficulties, vision difficulties and slurred speech, compared to when drinking alcohol alone," Ms Peacock says.

The study also found those that mixed would consume on average 2.5 energy drinks in one session, which Ms Peacock says is above the recommended daily intake, while some consumed up to 10.

Mix-drinkers were less likely to experience exhaustion and fatigue and more likely to be irritable and tense.

The physical drawbacks were also increased when mixing alcohol and energy drinks.

"People actually had higher odds of experiencing heart palpitations, sleeping difficulties, tremors, agitation, increased speed of speech and 'jolt and crash episodes'," she says.

Ms Peacock hopes the results will hope to inform consumers about the consequences and potential side effects.

However she says more research needs to be done about how popular mixing is, especially in the 18-20-year-old age bracket and whether those under 18 are doing it too.

"Looking at information from poison centre calls, it seems like the number of calls relating to energy drinks have been increasing in the past few years," she says.

"But in regards to prevalence, we're not 100 per cent sure at the moment."

The researchers however say they are not suggesting people should mix alcohol with energy drinks to reduce the risks associated with drinking.

Ms Peacock says more work also needs to be done to explain the link between the two.

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