ELLE Psychology: How To Spot A Perfectionist (And How You Can Help Them)

While many of us fantasise about having a supermodel’s figure, glittering career, fantastic social life and a David Gandy lookalike for a partner, pursuing these goals can be an obsession for some, affecting family and romantic relationships and causing a spiral into depression and anxiety.

Psychologist Honor Jane Newman, a reformed perfectionist and author of Killing The Perfectionist Within: A Self-Help Guide For Women Suffering From Perfectionism, Anxiety And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, lists the following signs that show someone in your workplace or social circle may be struggling...


“The ‘rewards’ of perfectionism, such as high achievement and success, are often reinforced in our culture and encouraged by employers. A perfectionist will often work to extremely high standard in order to please their boss. They may be anxious about making a mistake or letting someone down – and are likely to be in a state of acute embarrassment if they do so. They often believe they need very little help or support from others and work long hours. When they do take a holiday, they may pack it with activities, leaving little time for rest or relaxation.” 


“When you first meet a perfectionist you’ll often get a really positive first impression. ‘Wow, this person is amazing,’ you may think. ‘They look fantastic and have so many great achievements.’ They may be smiling, beautifully groomed, listen to your problems and have impeccable manners. You’ll probably feel lucky and blessed to have met them. As time goes by, however, doubts may creep in. You may experience ‘countertransference’ of the perfectionist’s own issues. For example, you may feel that you can’t measure up to them and feel intimidated, jealous or inferior – even if you never considered yourself the jealous type.”


“At the extreme end of the spectrum, perfectionists can appear to wear a mask that makes it hard to get close to them. This is because unless they have awareness of their own behaviour (perhaps through therapy) they may struggle with exposing their vulnerabilities. It can therefore be difficult to maintain a close friendship with a perfectionist as they seem to do everything so well and never appear to have any of the normal struggles most of us have. They can be prone to wearing a mask that says: ‘Look at me. Look at how well I do everything. Look how much I have going for me – my beautiful home, fantastic dress sense and lack of problems.’ As time goes by you may start to realise that underneath this mask lie deep-seated insecurities about being worthless and unlovable.”


“Perfectionists set high standards for themselves – and sometimes for others in their lives. If this is the case they may find it difficult to find the right partner if they are picky. Additionally, as their relationship develops, they may find it hard to be emotionally intimate. This struggle to expose their vulnerabilities is caused by low self-esteem and a fear of exposing their perceived ‘bad’ self to another person.”


“Perfectionists often love the structure of a workplace, and employers in turn love these traits, but in situations that are messy or out of control, perfectionists’ anxiety levels really rise. Sometimes women who have these traits can struggle with the sense of chaos that accompanies early motherhood. It is impossible to be a perfect mother so perfectionism can really slap women in the face during this time in their lives. The upside is that it’s quite easy to treat, so the woman can have a more enjoyable experience of parenting.”


“To function healthily, we need to give a mixed amount of yes and no responses to others’ invitations and demands. Saying yes too much can lead to exhaustion and burnout. The perfectionist often has a difficult time saying no as they are trying to be all things to all people. A perfectionist may be tired and struggling with low energy levels yet they won’t take things off their plate to allow themselves some valuable rest time.” 


“While I don’t believe individuals are born perfectionists, we can inherit more anxious or sensitive temperaments and parenting can also play a factor if a parent’s anxious behaviours transfer to a child. For example, a child may have internalised the message that nothing they ever do is worthy of praise or worth getting excited over. As a result, you may start to see perfectionist traits emerge in children in primary school – for example, a child might get frustrated with themselves if it takes them a long time to master a task and set very high standards for themselves, getting upset when they make a mistake. In high school, a young perfectionist may be consumed with wanting to fit in – they’ll want to please everyone around them and be distressed if, for example, they’re not dressing the same way as their peers or if they fail a test or get a low mark.”

Killing The Perfectionist Within: A Self-Help Guide For Women Suffering From Perfectionism, Anxiety And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a lifestyle guide to help women heal from perfectionism and help reduce levels of anxiety and depression. It is available via Amazon and Balboa Press or through killingtheperfectionistwithin.com

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