The hues chosen for a room's walls and ceiling can help determine whether your interior design is a hit or miss. Here are a few color psychology tips to keep in mind when planning your home's color scheme.
1. Vibrant shades of green, blue, yellow and orange provide an expansive feeling. These are friendly, happy colors that encourage communication and are therefore especially welcome in the dining area and kitchen.
2. Red, purple, blue and dark shades of green can have a constricting and gloomy effect. But when applied in the right place or as accent elements, they can help convey comfort and security.
3. Warm colors — orange and yellow hues, for example — raise the perceived temperature of a room. For that reason, they're best used in rooms that face north.
4. Navy blue inhibits people's willingness to communicate; do not use it in living and dining areas.
5. Red raises the energy level of a room, but it may also make people more irritable and hostile — so it's not a good choice for a child's room.
6. Gray should be avoided for the dining area and kitchen — unless you want to dampen your appetite.