Ask the Psychologist Counseling Live Session

Dear Brother/Sisters,

We're glad to announce that 'Ask the Counselor' section is going to hold its next Counseling Live Session on May 12th at 15:00 GMT/ 18:00 Makkah

Feel free to submit your question in the 'Add Comments' box or send it to:

Important Notes:

Please, do NOT submit fatwa-related questions which need our scholar's answer, or if you had previously submitted your question on the counseling page and received a confirmation e-mail from us. Also, your question should not exceed the limit of 500 words. The answers of your question will be published soon on this page after the live session. Thank you.

About the Counselor:

Nasira Abdul-Aleem is an American with a BA in English and an MS in Counseling Psychology. Since 2003, she has helped innumerable individuals, couples, and families work through their personal and interpersonal problems. In addition, Nasira's has the resource of many family members who either teach Islam and/or lead communities as their Imams.

Disclaimer: The conceptualization and recommendations stated in this response are very general and purely based on the limited information that was provided in the question. You are strongly advised to seek face-to-face counseling and consult your physician or therapist when making a drastic change in your lifestyle in terms of behavior, medication or diet etc.

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