Angles of psychology: Exploring ethnic heritage

A student group on campus is discovering how ethnic heritage plays a role in psychology while helping students become better equipped for mental health studies and professions.

The Association of Black Psychologists at Virginia Tech plans to raise awareness of African psychology, a discipline dedicated to understanding the lives, culture and common experiences of those of African descent.

Keyona Allen, the vice president of the association, said that the experiences of ethnic minorities vary greatly from those of a majority background.

“The experiences are different. The values are different. The cultures are different,” Allen said. “Being a minority within a vast culture that is different from your own yields different psychological experiences (and) poses different challenges.”

Alexander J. Simmons, the association’s president, said while most of the teachings in America are from a Eurocentric perspective, African psychology is a facet of psychology that looks at the same issues from a different scope.

Simmons said everyone, especially people interested in therapy or social work with people in adverse conditions, would benefit from learning about different perspectives and different methods of solving problems.

“It’s very good to get a scope of where that person may be coming from... And how we could use different methods to solve a problems or help somebody out,” Simmons said.

Along with promoting African psychology, the association is also dedicated to helping students who study mental health develop their professional skills.

In addition, Allen said the association is dedicated to enhancing the psychological well-being of people of African descent and providing a community that allows for professionals in psychology to contribute to social change.

“We firmly believe that understanding the psychology of the experiences of ethnic minority groups, including African Americans, will lead to the social change that is needed for these growths,” Allen said.

Since the organization has had an inconsistent history of activity over the years, Simmons said one of his goals is to establish the permanency of the organization in the Tech community. The association became reinstated in the fall of 2013.

Its members fundraise and meet weekly. Professors from a variety of majors, such as psychology, statistics, sociology and human development, speak at some of their meetings. For example, the association’s faculty adviser and trauma specialist, Russell T. Jones, has given presentations on the history of trauma and on trauma caused by disasters.

Simmons and Allen said they also want to help their members become more competitive applicants for graduate school.

“Our goals for the students within the organization is building a foundation that will make us competitive applicants to graduate school and strong graduate students in the future,” Allen said.

In one meeting, they had a panel of graduate students who shared advice on how to advance their education. A professor who has been involved with the application process has also spoken to the members.

In the future, the association plans to network with other students and professionals through national and regional conferences such as the national conference for the Association of Black Psychologists. The association may also collaborate with the Psychology Club, the mental health organization “Active Minds” and Greek organizations.

The association also plans to give back to the community by raising awareness.

“In certain communities, there are definite disparities between individuals who seek help, whether (it is) mental illnesses, difficulties or traumas,” Simmons said. “Americans aren’t as aware of mental health issues as we probably should be.”

The association’s first major event this semester is a black history event that will take place Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. in meeting room G in the Graduate Life Center.

“It’s going to be an event that provides historical perspectives on different mental health issues and how those things have manifested and the implications that they have on our society,” Simmons said.

By being involved in the organization, Simmons said that they are able to network with professionals that can provide assistance and counseling and would like to help get professionals in touch with people who need their help.

“We have those connections, and we would just like to spread the word to those people who may not know that they can get help or that they may even need help,” Simmons said. “We’re really eager to help the community.”

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