Afterlife Through the Eyes of a Child



Before the age of six, each person is given the set of beliefs they will carry throughout their lives. This means that no matter what is learned, what future impressions are made and what desires an individual might have, if it was not introduced as “reality” before the age of six years old, it is very unlikely the belief or idea will stick. Why? Before reaching the age of six, the subconscious mind is completely wide open, taking in impressions from the world around. Everything from self-image to beliefs about what happens in the afterlife are recorded in the subconscious mind early in life. This makes for an interesting realization later on, as made by psychologist and researcher Stephanie Anglin in her studies resulting in the awareness that most people still see the afterlife as they do through their childhood eyes.

After inquiring with nearly 350 students studying psychology, Anglin found that almost every person reported having the same beliefs about the afterlife now as they had in their pre-teen years. Whether the child was indoctrinated in some sort of religious dogma or was left to their own devices to determine what goes on after one leaves this earth plane, it did not matter, adults almost identically carry their childhood beliefs. What is thought about the afterlife is not the only subject adults carry around from their youth.  Abusive situations which occur before the critical age of six, when the conscious mind becomes more formed, can impact beliefs about oneself, about love and how much one thinks they deserve the “good things” in life.

As adults looking for answers to all of life’s questions, such as what happens in the afterlife, facing a multitude of trials, attempting various diet plans, relationships, churches and financial schemes, the effort put into such endeavors might turn out to be largely in vain if the childhood beliefs found in the subconscious mind are not addressed first. How does one do this?

There is an ancient practice discovered in India which trains one to release programming from the subconscious mind consciously. Unlike hypnosis, which requires a therapist to take one into the inner recess in order to discover what thrives there, Yoga Nidra is a practice one can do on one’s own. Yoga Nidra literally translates as “conscious sleep” and takes one into the states of dream and deep sleep while training the conscious mind to stay aware.  Once in the Yoga Nidra state the practitioner is able to plant new seeds into the subconscious mind in order to replace those beliefs placed there as a child, including what is thought about the afterlife, thereby reaping new rewards in the conscious realm.

Yoga Nidra was developed in India in the Tantric tradition, but can be easily practiced by children and adults alike by obtaining a guided meditation leading one into the recesses of the mind. The step-by-step technique is easy to use and can assist one in discovering inner beliefs and replacing them with the desired ones which can, almost instantly, change the trajectory of ones life. This means attempts at weight loss which have failed, relationship beliefs that have hindered success, poverty thoughts and more, can all be replaced by those which will result in a happier life full of greater joy and free of limitations imposed by childhood thinking.

Though each person may now see the afterlife as well as so many other ideas through the eyes of a child, it is possible to shift all of that through altering the programming of the subconscious mind. Perhaps the ideas most carry about what happens after one dies is the lease of one’s worries, however, having access to such a programming platform may now open up incredible freedom for those willing to take the steps. To find out more information as well learn the practice, follow the links below.

By Stasia Bliss


Rutgers Today


Riverdale Highschool k-12

Huffington Post

Yoga Magazine

Udemy On-line Courses

Yoga Nidra

Image used with permission by Buddy Muir




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