3 Colors You Should Never Wear on a First Date

2. Orange

Source: Nick Jr.

Source: Nick Jr. Source: Nick Jr.

A study conducted by researcher Joe Hallock at the University of Washington found that orange was rated the least favorite color by both men and women. Roughly 30% of female respondents and 33% of male respondents said they disliked the color. Furthermore, study participants associated the color orange with being cheap or inexpensive.

Hallock notes that respondents generally seem to have a love-hate relationship with the color. In another study some participants describe the color as fun. Hallock asserts this may be due to the color going out of style (the other study was conducted in 1951), but another explanation for this contrast could be that individuals often feel differently about a color depending on the context. Designing a room with an orange chair might be fun and edgy, but wearing an orange shirt, not so much.

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