£16000 charity donation today at 4pm York University

Photo Opportunity
Cheque Presentation by the Masonic Samaritan Fund
Department of Psychology University of York
21 November 2011 at 4.00pm
Photographs to be taken in PS/A004 and outside the Henry Wellcome Building entrance to Psychology. Getting there:
The Department of Psychology is located on Heslington West campus, near the Sports Centre. The entrance to the department, The Henry Wellcome Bulding for Psychology, is in front of the car park.
Upon arrival please report to Wendy Johnson on reception who will direct you to Quentin’s office.
For directions to York, the University campus and the department, and transport, please see our visitor pages: http://www.york.ac.uk/about/visitors/
If you require further information, please contact Joanne Berry on 01904 32 2951 Masonic £16,000 donation puts deafness research on a firm foundation
Hearing research received a boost today as the Masonic Samaritan Fund awarded £16,310 to Deafness Research UK for pioneering new research into deafness in old age at York University.

The cheque was presented to Vivienne Michael, Chief Executive of Deafness Research UK, and eminent hearing specialist Professor Quentin Summerfield, by the Deputy Chief Executive of the Masonic Samaritan Fund, John McCrohan, at York University on 21 November.

Professor Summerfield’s research team is measuring brain processes during what is called sound localisation. Many older listeners find their lives handicapped by hearing difficulties and evidence suggests this may be linked to difficulty judging the location of movement and sounds. This research aims to develop a new brain-imaging technique to identify these brain problems. The hope is this research will lead to better treatments for the elderly whose hearing problems originate in the brain.

Vivienne Michael, Chief Executive of Deafness Research UK, said: “As a charity committed to research, none of the pioneering work of Quentin and others we support would be possible without the help of our donors, so we are delighted to accept this cheque from the Masonic Samaritan Fund. This will advance our understanding of the causes of hearing loss in old age.”

John McCrohan, Grants Director and Deputy Chief Executive of the Masonic Samaritan Fund who presented the cheque said, “The Masonic Samaritan Fund is delighted to be able to join Deafness Research UK in supporting Professor Summerfield’s ‘Helping Elderly People with Spatial Hearing Difficulties’ project. Our hope is that our research grant will help those living with the debilitating effects of hearing loss and eventually lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying life. Many of our beneficiaries struggle with hearing loss and we are pleased to be able to contribute vital funds to Professor Summerfield’s efforts.” The team’s research is expected to last six months and is one of the many projects into hearing loss supported by Deafness Research UK. Funded entirely by voluntary contributions, the charity has awarded more than £10 million in research grants and relies entirely on the public and charities like The Masonic Samaritan Fund for support.

Professor Summerfield said, “We are grateful to the Masonic Samaritan Fund and Deafness Research UK for their support. This grant will help us to develop a new brain-imaging technique for studying the difficulties which some older people experience in localising sounds and in orientating to their location by making head movements.”

For further information on deafness and deafness-related conditions call freephone 0808 808 2222 or visit Deafness Research UK’s website at www.deafnessresearch.org.uk

Media enquiries
Jon Gardner, BeyondPR.
Mobile 07930 697773.
Direct line 0114 275 6996.
e-mail: jon.gardner@beyondpr.co.uk

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