شـعـارات تـحـت المِـجـهـر .. بــقـلـم : خــيـري مـنـصـور

Russia calls on the opposition in Syria to abandon armed groups :::: Ahmadinejad: Syria one of key resistance centers..West creats pretexts to put pressure on it..Problems can be solved by dialogue :::: Indian Journalist Kapoor criticizes western media which fabricate events on Syria :::: Syrian Ambassador in Washington: US stirs up crisis in Syria, US State Department's latest statements aim at harming Syria :::: People of Baba Amro neighborhood in Homs: Armed groups besieged us in houses and planted mines :::: Zyuganov condemns the US inciting of armed groups in Syria..Dologov: US involved in Syria events :::: Nine army and police martyrs laid to rest :::: Following Eid al-Adha prayer in Raqqa, President al-Assad: Syria strong thanks to its people, national choices and free decision... determined to restore national rights :::: Terrorist Ammar Qaddour killed by his own bomb in Hama :::: Nine army and police martyrs laid to rest :::: Patriarch Hazim rejects foreign calls for protecting Christians in Syria :::: President al-Assad exchanges congratulatory cables with Arab and Islamic kings and heads of state on occasion of Eid Al-Adha :::: Al-Moallem sends letters to foreign ministers of Russia, China, India, South Africa, Brazil, Arab ministerial committee, AL and UN chiefs and UNSC President: Washington involved in Syria bloody events :::: Ambassador Ahmad: AL Secretary General and his deputy statements on Syria cause confusion inconsistent with Arab work plan :::: Official Source: Statements of US Department of State Spokesperson prove US policies in support of killing and financing armed groups :::: Defense Minister visits injured army members and soldiers on the occasion of Eid al-Adha :::: Syrian artists call for unifying efforts to build modern Syria… violence and rejection of dialogue hinder reforms :::: President al-Assad performs Eid al-Adha prayer at al-Nour Mosque in Raqqa :::: Presidential decree grants amnesty to conscripts defaulted from compulsory military service :::: Marking Eid al-Adha …553 detainees involved in events but not killing acts, released :::: Assistant Interior Minister: Citizens who didn't receive election card can get one from any civil records secretariat :::: Twenty Three Army, police and civilian martyrs laid to rest :::: Dignitaries from Homs stress rejection of bearing, using weapons :::: Syrian Human Rights Network: Massive amounts of money spent on those who claim to support human rfights in Syria :::: Lebanese Al-Binaa newspaper: Syria agreement with Arab Ministerial Committee is wise step :::: Meteor shower visible in Syria on November 16-17 :::: Warrants issued against Syrians for arms smuggling from Lebanon :::: Half a million Syrians in Tartous reject foreign interference in Syria, voice support to reform and stability :::: Syria sends humanitarian aid to friendly Turkish people :::: Al-Jaa'fari: IAEA claims lack credibility, rely on CIA imagery and analysis :::: Safar, Al-Moallem to delegation of Buenos Aires Senate: Syria facing foreign conspiracy targeting its security and stability :::: Syrian Ambassador in Beirut: Reforms are due to serve country not response to pressures :::: Information Minister to members of Syrian communities in Romania and Italy: Agreement with Arab League concordant with Syrian vision to resolve crisis :::: Director of Economy, Trade in Homs refutes fabricated news on shortage in commodities :::: Agreement between Syria and AL Ministerial Committee on a work plan regarding the situation in Syria officially announced :::: Syrian delegation at UNESCO General Conference: Israeli occupation forces' practices target national identity :::: Syrian Health Minister suggests establishing Global Health Forum at WHO meeting :::: Lebanese MP Arslan after his meeting with President al-Assad: Syria had overcome crisis and it will get out stronger :::: Arab and International approval of the agreement between Syria and Arab Ministerial Committee :::: Al-Moallem briefs delegation of Buenos Aires Senate on dimensions of current situations in Syria :::: Official memorandum asserts Israel's involvement in the assassination of former Lebanese PM Rafiq al-Hariri :::: People's Assembly approves draft law on exempting taxpayers from overdue interests, fines, penalties if they paid before december 31st, 2011 :::: Syria, Arab Ministerial Committee reach agreement regarding final document on situation in Syria :::: Lavrov: The Syrians only should decide their country's future through dialogue :::: Lebanese "As-Safir" newspaper: Detente in Syrian-Qatari relations..Close visit by Qatar's Emir to Syria :::: Syria hands over mastermind behind seven Estonians abduction :::: Ambassador Abdul Karim: Syria serious about reforms, ready to cooperate to achieve pan-Arab interests :::: Mikdad: Some governmental and international organizations lost credibility turning blind eye to events in Syria :::: Terrorist al-Hajji unveils new details of armed groups' massacres :::: Romanian and English delegations inspect reality of events in Hama :::: Al-Abrash briefs Romanian delegation on reality of situation in Syria and the conspiracy against it :::: Delegation of Syrian Arab Association in the USA: We came to support homeland and refute false news :::: Chinese Ambassador in Beirut reiterates his country's rejection of foreign interference in Syria's affairs :::: Turkish women delegation stresses importance of solidarity with Syria :::: Doctors' Union launches initiative of free lifetime medical treatment for martyrs' families :::: National Economic Dialogue Forum discusses economic and social issues :::: Huge masses flock to Sabaa Bahrat Square in Deir Ezzor to voice support to Syria's independent decision, rejecting foreign interference :::: Huge masses in Raqqa and Salamiyah voice upport to Syria's independent decision, rejecting foreign interference :::: National Economic Dialogue Forum concludes activities, recommends reconsideration of economic polices :::: National Committee for Preparing Draft Constitution focuses on its main principles :::: People's Assembly refers bill on general state budget to budget and accounts committee :::: Two terrorists confess to setting up roadblocks, kidnapping security members to film them as defectors :::: Al-Safir newspaper uncovers involvement of Northern Lebanon MP's brother in gunmen smuggling into Syria :::: Grand Mufti calls on expatriates to relay reality of events in Syria to expatriation countries :::: Authorities clash with armed terrorist group on the Teldo-Homs highway, killing two terrorists and arresting others :::: Al-Attar: Relations between Syrian and Turkish people will remain strong point to confront conspiracies :::: Syria, Arab Ministerial Committee reach agreement regarding final document on situation in Syria :::: Ammoura meets members of Syrian community in Italy :::: President al-Assad to Russia Channel One TV: Any consideration of aggression against Syria will be more costly than the world could afford :::: Al-Moallem, Emir of Qatar discuss current situation in Syria :::: Rasmussen to AFP- NATO rules out no fly-zone and intervention in Syria :::: National Committee for Preparing Draft Constitution discusses visions to organize work mechanism :::: Delegation of Syrian community in Romania supports Syrian pound :::: Palestine receives full membership in UNESCO despite US threats :::: Economic Dialogue National Forum discusses visions of economic reform and requirements :::: Arab League Ministerial Committee hands Syrian delegation a "work document" to be answered by Damascus today :::: Hassoun to Turkish women delegation: Syria has overcome hardest stage of crisis thanks to people's awareness :::: People's Assembly hears government's financial statement on general state budget for 2012 :::: Higher elections committee discusses local council candidacy process :::: Syrian community in Brazil stresses adherence to independence of the national decision :::: Lebanese sources: Arrested smuggler confessed to transporting weapons to armed groups in Syria :::: US State Department Foreign Service Officer: US in Iraq: Eight years of fraud and money laundering :::: Delegation of WFTU: Syria is being exposed to misleading media campaign :::: Armed terrorist groups attack ambulances, medical crews :::: President al-Assad to Russia Channel One TV: Any consideration of aggression against Syria will be more costly than the world could afford :::: National Committee for Preparing Draft Constitution holds meeting on Monday :::: Mass rally in Sweida voices support to reforms, rejection of foreign interference :::: Syria's Ambassador to Spain denies accusations that embassy's employees spying and threatening protesters :::: Economic Dialogue National Forum kicks off :::: Authorities clash with terrorist groups in Homs, kill six, arrest twenty :::: Syrian communities worldwide stress support to reform, rejection of foreign interference in Syria's internal affairs :::: Terrorists confess to assaulting police post, setting blockades :::: Confusing Syria with Libya? Fact checking Amnesty International’s “hospitals investigation” - By Franklin Lamb

يُفَوتُ المتخصصون في علم النفس الاجتماعي والسياسي العديد من الفرص بسبب الانكفاء الأكاديمي داخل أسوار الجامعات وفي أروقتها . من هذه الفرص اللافتات والشعارات التي ترفع في عالمنا العربي سواء في المواسم الانتخابية أو التظاهرات والحراك السياسي .
إن هذه اللافتات والشعارات مادة دسمة لاستقراء المزاج السائد، والهواجس التي تدور في باطن النفس، باستثناء تلك الشعارات المعلّبة التي تصلح كما يظنّ من يرفعونها لكل زمان ومكان .
إن العفويّ من هذه المادة الخام يصلح لِسَبْر أغوار الناس، والكشف عن المكبوت المتعاظم .
فالهوامش أحياناً أهم من المُتون، والتفاصيل التي تبدو عابرة قد تملك من طاقة الإيحاء ما لا تقوى عليه العناوين الكبرى، تلك التي سَخِر منها أرنست همنغواي وسمّاها أوراق الألف دولار غير القابلة للصرف .
لقد ترجّل علماء اجتماع ونفس عن المنصات العالية لقراءة وتحليل ما يدور في أزقة مدنهم وقراهم، ومنهم من بحثوا عن سرعة الإيقاع وبطئه في حراك مجتمعاتهم تبعاً لأنماط الإنتاج السائدة، أو المحاصيل التي تعد المصدر الأكبر للدخل القومي، فالكاكاو والنفط والمطاط والقطن وحتى شجرة الزيتون، ليست مجرد محاصيل موسمية بالنسبة إلى علم النفس الاجتماعي، كما أن العمران في أي بلد، أو شكل الأثاث الأكثر تداولاً، يصلحان لقراءة المزاج الشعبي . وثمّة تجارب مثيرة في هذا المجال، والظاهرة ليست طارئة، فقد سبق لفلاسفة وعلماء أركيولوجيا أن قرأوا الحياة السياسية والاجتماعية في بعض البلدان من خلال ما تبقّى من أطلال القدماء فيها .
اشبنغلر الألماني استهوته الأقواس والقباب والدوائر في الحضارة العربية الإسلامية، وهناك من اجتذبته الزوايا الحادة في بعض الحضارات، حتى مصطلح المائدة المستديرة ليس مجرد مصطلح للدلالة على شكلٍ بقدر ما هو، بدءاً من جذره التاريخي عندما جلس الفرسان بشكل دائري حول الملك آرثر، تعبير عن النديّة . أو الاعتراف بأن من يتحلّقون حول هذه المائدة لا فضل لأحدهم على آخر .
إن اللافتات والشعارات التي رُفِعَتْ وبغزارة حتى أوشكت أن تحجب الفضاء في الحراك العربي لهذا العام، لم تدرس حتى الآن وعُوملت من منطلقات سياسية محدودة الأفق، وقراءة مثل هذه الظواهر منوطة بأكاديميين متخصصين في العلوم الإنسانية وليس بالكاميرات والشاشات، والمعلقين العابرين على الأحداث .
ولو أخذنا مثالاً حضور فلسطين أو غيابها عن هذه الشعارات، لوجدنا أن دلالة هذه المراوحة السياسية والإعلامية بين الحضور والغياب أبعد مما تبدو عليه .
والفارق بين الخطاب القومي الذي كان سائداً في خمسينات وستينات القرن الماضي وبين الخطاب المعاصر، لا يُقاس إلا من خلال معيار واحد، هو تعريب القضية وأسلمتها، بل وأَنْسَنَتُها مقابل تضييقها بحيث تصبح بمساحتها الجغرافية وتعدادها الديمغرافي فقط .
لنعترف بأنه يضيع علينا الكثير في حُمّى هذا التسارع لأحداث لم يكن بالإمكان ضبط الساعات على إيقاعاتها .
فهل يبادر أصحاب هذه الاختصاصات إلى المجازفة بتعريض أقلامهم وأوراقهم للهواء الطلق، ولكل ما يعلق به من دخان وغبار؟

الأحد 06-11-2011

أرسل لصديق

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